Dec 20, 2005 05:38
hello everyone.. well i have arrived safely and am loving every minute of being in london.. i have a lovely room filled with lovely purple coloured wall paper and a double bed.. enough space to put all of my belongings too which i finished unpacking tonight.. i dont know how to use the shift key so thats why i am writing in all lower case..
i was so lucky in getting 3 seats to myself on the flight from tokyo to london... everyone else was packed in like sardines and i got three seats to myself.. whoopee!!! i landed at around 5.30pm and it took about 30 minutes for the plane to find a parking spot as the planes were all lined up in a queue..never seen a busier airport with so many different planes.. the flight over was great.. had a little tv where you could watch videos and play video games.. i didnt get much sleep though..but i was able to stretch out.. lil zo was there waiting for me as soon as i got out of customs and the immigration line.. you should have seen the queue.. my goodness.. i was in line for about an hour and a half and it only took me 2 minutes to get through when i was being seen..
it was so exciting seeing zoe there.. i couldnt believe i was in london and it wasnt that cold.. in actual fact i havent experienced any bad weather yet.. the cold here is like it was in richmond in the winter time about 6 - 9 degrees celcius.. it got down to about 2 degrees on sunday night when we were going home from 'ned kelly's' though.. hehehe on sunday we went to the camsden markets where we bought a heap of stuff including some curtains for my room which match the wallpaper so it looks very homey now.. we bought two pairs of gloves too which i started haggling for.. they were sposed to be 3£ each and i said.. 'nah 2 for £5` he said `no` and that's where sean stepped in and said.. here`s the money mate.. took the gloves and we all left.. hehehe We then went up the road to a nice irish pub and had a lovely counter lunch.. the special of the day was turkey and roast vegetables or beef and roast vegetables.. zo and i had turkey and sean had beef.. after that we were all loaded up and went home and got changed and headed over to `neds` it was an awesome night.. one of the best i've had in a long time!!!! I even ended up meeting a nice irish lad named Alan who is a builder that works at the Canary Wharf.. This will make some of you laugh.. but he's even asked me to be his girlfriend.. Sean's been having a good old laugh with his mates and saying .. Not bad for someone to step foot in London and has a boyfriend within 24 hours of being here.. heheh
Well anyway we spoke all night long and then the pub shut at 12.15am so everyone ended up getting some drinks down the street and we took them home.. The lounge room was crowded with a number of different nationalities.. By 4am i'd had enough and went to bed.. but everyone kept on going till 11am.. hehehe We were all quite crook yesterday.. but I went to bed early last night 11pm and then awoke this morning at 6am and finished unpacking the rest of my gear.. So my room is now all unpacked and I've got everything in exactly the place I want.. I'm so glad that I bought a heap of socks and thermal tops though as they've certainly done the job in keeping me warm..
I love the weather here .. Mum you were right.. I feel far more energetic here than I do in hot old Brisbane.. thinking of you all in the stinking heat.. I don't think I'll want to go back to it that's for sure..
Today, after unpacking everything, Zo arrived home from work and went straight to sleep.. Sean and I went into the city to open up my bank account.. because we went early in the morning there were no queues and i was seen to straight away!! the bank guy told me that everyone comes in in the afternoon.. i can see why.. the pubs here are soooo awesome.. everyone knows everyone else.. and it's just so friendly.. they're probably recovering from nights out during the week too heheh..
We also went to a place called 'hemsley' which is a huge big toy store.. i also got a sim card for my phone.. fingers crossed that it works ok!! if not.. i can use sean's other mobile!
We had lunch at Maccas.. had a look at other shops and then before you knew it.. it was 3 in the afternoon.. we went home and zo said that alan had rung wanting to know when he can catch up with me again.. he's off to his home town on xmas eve and wanted me to come along too.. but i'll be in paris.. he's returning on the 2nd january though so i'll get to see him tonight!
Sean had to keep reminding me to keep to the right when going up elevators in the tube stations as i kept going to the left.. lol..
I tell you what ... if the last couple of days are anything to go by.. I just know i'm going to love being here.. It has helped though that I just walked into a room at my sister's house and have all her friends.. a pretty good package but it's a nice change from the new starts i had to make doing my country service!!
Oh at Ned's the other night.. everyone knew that I couldnt play pool.. so I was playing this game with Julie, a girl that works behind the bar. She was really good.. We both had two balls left.. and in my second last shot.. I sunk both of the balls that were left.. and then on my next turn round sunk the black ball.. and won the game.. The previous game I beat Zo.. which was very surprising as I never play..
Well I hope you're all well and have a great Xmas.. Probably wont be updating until Xmas day if I have time..
Anyway I'm in a net cafe and Sean and I just went to Selfridges to get groceries for me to make Spag Bol for dinner.. I better get home and make it before Zo has to go to work..
Paris tomorrow!! Whoo hooo Will be returning Xmas eve.. Can't wait!
Love Sarah xoxoxo