heyyy livejournal, it's been awhile.

Nov 11, 2011 13:27

Wow, just read through all my old entries. Sooo many memories it's crazyyy! I think the last time I wrote in here was 2006, it's now 2011, 5 years later. Things have definitelyyyy changed. I want to start writing in here again because It's so much fun to go back and read what my life was like when I was younger! Where to start?? I go to U of M, seriously the best school ever. absolutely love it here. Having a hard time making friends, but I think it just takes time. Working at the Crisler Arena, it's a pretty cool job. gotta do something to make the money. lol Classes are going okay so far. It's definitely an adjustment from community college. Biopsych is by far my hardest class. it's just notttt my thing at all. lol get to schedule for winter semester soon, i'm thinking biology, spanish, calc, and developmental psychology. that's going to be quite a workload, but i can doooo it. :) no boyfriend at the moment, don't have time for one. i miss home all the time, and all my friends and family there. not sure how long it's going to take me to graduate. hoping i can get my bachelors by next spring (2013), and then it's on to medical school for me. I need to start thinking about where I want to go, and also need to start preparing for the MCAT. agh soooo scary. :/ it sucks to be an adult sometimes. lol well, i think that's enough for now. gonna go get some noodles(yummm), and probably just have a relaxing day on this chillllly november day. (11/11/11) :)

wonder if anyone will see this? Does anyone even use livejournal anymore?? lol

<3 Sarah
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