Jan 15, 2007 23:10
Im often consumed by daydreams. I've been told that daydreaming is good or healthy. But, I think daydreaming makes me lose my grip on reality sometimes. I mean there are times that im completely absorbed by my self-created world. I think certain classes make it difficult for reality to stay in-tact to my thoughts. I like to get lost in my thoughts. Where one thought leads to another.. before you know it, you dont know how you have stumbled onto the current thought. I like to think about happenings in my life. Happy things, sad things.. sometimes the feelings that I approach certain subjects with.. seem so over-whelming that im surprised that the people around me are completely unaffected by my most recent thought-up thought.
But im sure that I sound crazy right about now.. but ahh.
I've been reading a lot here lately. I mean, I've always liked to read... But Im reading so much these days that Its hard for me to do my homework. I become very pre-occupied by books. I cant put the darn things down to do my homework. I need to stop the addiction. But when I say reading, I dont mean only books. I mean a wide variety of things like, news articles, Persuasive essays, letters to editors, and research. The lunchroom discussion lead me to read research. Mainly on the subject of ..Is Homosexuality a choice? Is it biological? I've read many interesting statements and research done by LeVay and many other scientists. It has definitely help me build my opinion.
But enough of my rambling.. I think I've contributed to the revolution of the LJ.