I just want a hug

Jan 06, 2006 18:14

Ever have one of those days that you just need a hug real bad? Today was one of those days. I absolutely love my gift from Jannae, I was listening to it last night while I did AP Bio, and then I don't know how this happened, but I just start bawling. Right in the middle of The One. I guess I just miss her a lot right now. It's one of those times where i could really use a friend like that, the kind that you don't really have to say any thing to get the feeling across. It sounds weird but, no how silence can be unfortable with people? It's not with us, usually we just start laughing at something totally random, like the Bangladeese thing when we were playing that fourth grade game. And I'm guessing exams and family and boys really aren't helping my composure. Calc is going to kill me, my dad is having fun tearing me apart at home, apparently it's horrible that I have a job and I'm not making enough money and what I'm doing with my life is just a load of who-ha, and then dumbass boys need to...I don't know, they just need to die right now. But I wish,o I wish that Jannae could be here and she knew this dumbass kid and she could tell me what to do. But unfortunately wishes don't come true and (watch out here's some Wedding Singer coming at you) I'll probably be doomed to walk the earth alone, much like the Hulk, but I won't be helping people. But people need forks, they can't eat without forks, yeah, and people can't drink without a fish. What? I don't know, you lost me back at the Hulk. Or I am doomed to be alone because I have nothing to offer the opposite sex...much like fat guy...or sideburns lady...or the freaks over at table nine...now we better cut the cake or else fat guy's going to have a stroke if we don't eat again soon. Oddly enough, that made me feel a little better. But yeah, I really want a hug. Real bad like. Oh, it was kinda funny this morning. Jessica and I were talking in the hall this morning about a new law, it's called the always a friend law. Pretty much how we'll always be great friends to guys, but we are never viewed as dating material because there is one or more things wrong with us. we are thinking of investing in some t-shirts. Greg was laying on the floor when we were talking about this, I kinda wanted to go over and smash his face in, but I didn't. Oh no, sorry sorry sorry, I told Anthony I would try and be less violent when I was having a bad day. Well, I guess I have to work on that...
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