Dec 15, 2004 19:17
I really miss my friends.
last winter was seriously amazinggggg <3 =)
WE all had such great times together, we went everywhere with eachother, it was just a good time.
But Heidi, poor Heidi.. she works her ass off. She barely has time for herself.. but when she does we hang out. And Tina, she barely has time for herself with all her hockey. Then Nelly, she has basketball always.. so i cant be with her at cheer. Pat is always too busy for me. And i do miss my Gina <3
But thank god there's Allie. She'll keep me sane throughout drama.
But when drama does start, i wont have time for my friends <'3 but i dont want to loose them either. I know they'll understand.. but i miss them
even tina, i mean.. im with her alot in school.. and even though we did go to the movies 2 weeks ago.. i still miss being with her in general =P I miss you Tiny Tina! =)
My Heidi works so hard. She's constatly at work.. and when she's not working, she is too overwhelmed with everything. She needs a break, or a vacation. I cant wait to see what days she has off to hang with her.. because i miss her ohh sooo muchhhh =)
and i dddddddoooooooooo care.
Congradulations :
LISA H. for getting Dyslexia.. another drama season together my friend =)
ALLIE *bigtits* LIGUORI for getting Lady Riverdale .. on our way to stardummmmm =)
JORDAN MORAN for getting Dyslexia for Saturday's performance *iloveyou*
and everyone else.. it'll be a fun one.
Although, the talent isnt even half as amazing as last years GREASE cast was.. it's going to be a good one. And hopefully civil.. although.. we already had drama in the drama club.. not a good start.
And, im happy with my role.. i hope everyone is.. i know they'll be though, right ! =)
BIGGEST CONGRATS tooooooooooooooooooooooooo
WYOMING AREA BASKETBALL for beating State Champions O'Rielly 12/14/04
well im off to bake a cake..
Sarah M Pells