(no subject)

Mar 05, 2006 22:46

I'm taking a break from my paper for a second. I'm at 8 pages out of 10 and I'm' nearing the end of my information, but I think I'll have enough. Wow, this paper is crazy. It's already longer than my extended essay and I just started it on Thursday. That's insane. It's a really interesting topic though, so I'm enjoying it. Also, the last 3 pages is just my opinion, which was really fun because i just ranted about stuff. Well, ranted about prison, actually. I wrote the first 2 pages, and then I wrote the last 3 pages, and now I'm filling in the middle. It takes me so long to write. Except, sometimes I have a thought and then I type for awhile and it goes quickly but then something distracts me or I lose focus. It's hard because I'm tired and my brain really isn't in the paper writing mood. It feels like having a party.

I'm really excited! I found a facebook group for people who play soccer and they play pickup games on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays!!!! So, i'm going to go play!!! AA! I'm so excited! I've been wanting to play soccer so badly for so long! Also, this will be good because if i play soccer with people in costa rica i don't want to be all out of practice. oh my god i love life. it's soo good.


i've been so ridiculously emotional this past week. it's insane. i'm either ridiculously happy or crying or laughing while crying and for no reason. I think it's funny that i'm such an emotional person because most people think i'm really stoic or like, reserved or something. i just don't display things around people i don't know. it gets tiring sometimes.

Kristina and i went to northgate on friday which was really fun. we decided to be shopping buddies because we both suck at picking things out. then i rode 4 buses to get to igor. would have taken 5 but he picked me up which was cool. It was pretty fun because I talked to two bus drivers and a random angry girl with an enormous leather jacket and moderately unclean hair. we talked about cell phones. I love talking to random people. or talking to patterned people.


...maybe i should get arrested as research for my paper. or, ask a police officer to pretend he's arresting me.

oh, annd today i watched 4 hours of America's Next Top Model. There was all this drama because Bee thought that Nicole stole one of her cereal bars so she poured out all of nicole's red bull and they didn't speak for two episodes. then they made up. it was intense. i woulda been hella pissed too if some bitch ate my cereal bars.

Now it's 11. too much caffeine for me to sleep but i'm getting so sick of writing my paper. maybe i'll do chem tomorrow and leave the last of my paper for next week. he grades fairly easily, so it should be ok. i REALLY just want it to be done because it's stressing me out.

oh, and i'm trying to learn html because it's cool.
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