(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 01:55

i have no idea what other people think or how they see. i have no idea what i used to be or how i came to be that way or change. these are the two big abstracts in my zone 1 life.

i find it impossible to create any meaningful connections with almost anyone. this was my biggest fear. the loneliness. but there was no other choice. i shifted, and once that happened, and for long enough, there was no going back even if inside sometimes, in ignorance, i secretly wish for a way to undo what has been done. astaghfiruallah, be grateful, right? yes.

i am so thirsty. so incredibly thirsty. for more connections, more truth, more knowledge, and more people to share this experience with. i really know in my heart that every single person can flip their minds at just the right angle, maybe by accident, perhaps deliberately, and they can let the waterfalls come rushing.

we are alien souls living inside bodies that we are born into but know nothing about. i can tell you we knew nothing about these bodies when we came into this world. we had to cut open those who had departed, and examine their organs, develop tools so that we could see the tiny microorganisms that are central to life, and form millions of hypothesis, both right and wrong, and we continue this process today.

these bodies are gifts. perfect creations, handcrafted by the hands of the Universe, the one, the only. every single thing that happens has a meaning, or a sign, or an effect woven into its fabric. sometimes these threads are easier to see, but at times they blend and are hidden.

this world that most of us are living in..its not really the world at all , is it? its a state of mind? a perceived reality that in fact may have little to do with the true nature of what is "real" after all. just how many dimensions are there? the question lends itself to the answer that at least there is more than one.

take off the labels if they make you feel uncomfortable. this isn't about fitting something into the boxes we created when we lived in this "life", its about letting go, so drop everything. its way bigger than anything else we'll ever do. add up the evidence, assemble all the facts, and let the truth speak for itself.

be open to all things. take the best of what comes your way as far as information and emotions are concerned. somewhere there is a scale inside of us, and a compass. we use both to keep us on the right track. just start digging.

there is nothing that can't be explained, we just don't have the answers yet, and maybe we were never meant to. this whole process of dissection, both of bodies and minds, maybe this is part of the bigger reality. we create mysteries only so we can go back and solve them.

open your eyes!
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