only 2 more years until the world ends! hahaha jk <3
So it's officially 2010 in the USofA~
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
ontd_ai has been the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I love you all so much. You're like my dysfunctional family.
2009 was full of so much epic and drama and late nights and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I hope even more epic happens in 2010.
Seriously, thank you for making this the best year of my life. I hope 2010 will be even more epic...no I know it will be more epic. Thank you guise sfm.
I don't know what I would have done without you guys. <333
My friends
I love you all so much. You're like my sisters and brothers. Thank you for being so amazing. <3
musicislove210 -Jessicaaaaaaah! You know I love you sfm. I seriously hope we stay friends forever. I'll be waiting for that roadtrip~ hahaha
Seriously though. I can't believe we've been talking for over a year. It's crazy but I've loved every second of it. You're such a great friend and I could never ask for anything more. I really hope we stay good friend's forever. Even when you're famous and selling millions of records. Or even when Brittany makes it on the Disney Channel and Nick falls in love with you and Joe falls in love with Brittany. (:
I love you a alot. Don't ever change. <3333
p.s. virgin once removed
hahahahahahahaha :P
c0ckpit -Guuuuuuurl. You know I love you. If you think our 2009 AIM chats were epic... wait until the 2010 chats! Hah! lolwatwasthateven
Even though we only started talking recently, I feel like I've known you for a lot longer. <3 I love flailing with you about Merlin and everything else and I can't wait for more epic chats. You are freaking hilarious and too sweet. I couldn't ask for a better fialful flailly friend. :P I love you so much. <33 Thank you for being the Arthur to my Merlin. (:
adambby -Ilu sfm bb! I haven't been talking to you until recently but I feel like I've known you for a loooot longer. I'm so glad the ATL spams brought us together (:
You're too sweet and I love talking to you and flailing with you. You're amazing. Don't ever change. fnwjdjsf I'm so excited for 2010 so I can talk with you more and flail more! lol /loser
Gah you are amazing and I love you so much. Don't ever change bb!
I hope we stay friends forever <333
EDIT: if you're not named specifically I still love you. I really do. I just couldn't name all of you D: if I had the time I would. Eventually I'll make up an epic list of everyone and just give everyone love. dnw anyone feeling scorned D: <3333