New Resolutions

Nov 25, 2011 20:36

Life. Am I happy? I'm not not happy but I would know if I was happy wouldn't I? Work is shit. Cannot wait to get away from that place. In 60 days a friend and I are heading off to Europe for 6 weeks. I need to be in the best damn shape of my life. I am going to restrict my calories, try not to purge once but if I mess up it has saved me in the past. I purged two nights ago, felt thin the next day. Didn't purge last night and ate dinner and woke up this morning looking like a fat fuck. Ate one meal today, tommorow eating only fruit. I am going to start a new diet of eat a meal on day one (under 900 calories of course), day two only eat fruit and day three only consume liquids and see how this works. I will loose 28 pounds on this regime at least. I must loose that much to look half decent and can then improve from there. x x x x
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