Life in the Southern Hemisphere Pt VI

Sep 27, 2006 22:12

Does everything here have to be oversize? I mean apart from the assumed ratial anomalies between African and European, the spiders and the average middle class garden.. Now we have hail.

It started off with thunder - nothing new or worrying there then - so we got the washing in and Traci put the pot plants outside 'for a treat'

"Hmm. What if it hails?" says prophetic little me.

Stepping outside to watch the thunderstorm I'm greeted my an ominous low rumble. Like white noise on a badly erected soundsystem for that putrid festival Global Gathering. What a pile of crud *that* was. The noise just get's louder and louder and... Deafening is the only word I can think of, the metaphors slip away like my feet on lumps of ice. I mean honestly. These were huge!

Yes. That's my hand for scale. (Click the pic to see it bigger)

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