i <3 the weekends!

Aug 21, 2005 22:13

one exciting thing about being in school is that we live for the weekends!! its like all week sucks and you cant wait for friday night and saturday that by the time it comes no matter what you do its fun!! thats the only good thing about being in highschool! hopefully this year my parents are gonna give me a lil more freedom...my mom said she woould if i could show more responsiblity and that i give a shit about school and my future! lol

but anyways so school friday was alright...i hope kas gets switched into my 1st per. and 2nd per. and i hope Mel gets into 2nd lunch!!! all my classes were fine except i hate 4th period Art 2 cuz i have NO friends in there...so it kinda sucks...and the bitch(you know who is in there)..i love having work study..its gona be great gettin out early...and english seems kinda hard but ill manage and its my last class so its not that bad PLUS i have it with kas,cari,kate,n lele so itll be krunk if we dont get in too much trouble...and its really weird b/c i think me and brandon crain have the exact same schedule xcept for 1st period..crazy. but he's great to look at..!

Friday night was SO much fun...cari and i had to close but after that we went to Leles with everyone and omg we had so much fun..sorry bout the plate tho lele and i wish you coulda been there syd!!! but anyways so much happened and crazy ahh! but anways then i had to get up and go to work at 10AM saturday which sucked and i felt like crap all day...
then after work i went to mandis new dorm room and saw her for a little bit...then me,syd,n lele went out for a while and i came home early cuz i was bord and felt like crap still...
then this morning i had to work at freakin 6:30 in the dang morning to 4 in the afternoon!!! i hate that shift!! but i got to eat lunch with syd for an hour and so that made it better!!
im so proud of syd! she got a job!! yay!

my parents went with brooke to move her back in college at ouchita today...its so weird with just me and brad now..itll be neat though..i hope..

so anyways..im really not lookin forward to going to school in the morning but whateva...

peace out cubscouts
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