Title: that one time Yuri was offensive
Genre: drabbles
Word count: 111
A/N: :o
“What do you think of this painting?” asks Tiffany.
“It looks kind of weird?” answers Taeyeon.
“I think it doesn’t really look like a painting at all,” Jessica chimes into the conversation. “What is that guys?”
“I have no idea.”
“Yuri offensively decided to mess up our dorm’s feng shui with this 'thing'.” Taeyeon complains, explicitly pointing at every angle.
“I thought it’s a poster.”
“It’s too sanatic to be a poster.”
“Is it supposed to be something abstract though?”
“What kind of idiot finds a mole abstract.”
Yuri walks into the scene, happily smiling. “So guys, what do you think of the pic of my butt hanging on our walls?”