Jun 26, 2004 19:05
So, I forgot to mention my dream last night, which is perhaps the oddest dream I have ever had. Lots of sex. Weird stuff.
It begins with Frank, me, and a positively beautiful girl I know, and her very cool boyfriend going to a hotel. This girl and I decide we'd like to see what it is like to be with a woman, so we excuse the boys, and have a go at it in the jacuzzi, which is filled with these really lovely smelling bubbles. Thing is - we just fool around, and then the dream flashes to another scene. Me and this girl are dressed in really vibrant victorian era clothing, and we're sort of fumbly - unsure what to do.
So, finally, we go at it. I am sort of the "receiver" first, and then the giver. She decides she likes giving - not so much receiving. Very odd. Anyhow, flashes back to the hotel, we're back in the bath, like it never happened. Everything is kind of weird - the hotel room is really very dimly lit, kind of like a very soft, ambient lighting.
Flash forward. Frank is consoling me by taking me to a spa. He gets nekkid and lays down on a table - starts snoring. I argue with the attendant about the price of a full body wax, and storm back off to find Frank. I find him, with this anime-esque asian girl in space boots and rubber clothing - with pigtails. Riiiiight. He has his junk in her mouth, kind of sideways, and she has this retarded look on her face. I flip the hell out, and go off on her, and naturally, him. He screams that she was a gift for me, and dream flashes forward again.
Now I am in a bathroom stall, and this anime chick has a cartoonish ACME-sized mallet, and she's pounding the door in - it flies off the hinges and squishes me (and my owie nipple rings). So, I scream that she can have him...Dream flashes forward. ME and this anime chick go at it. It's like a trainwreck porn.
Flash forward. I'm this little petite blonde...dating this bulldyke. I'm also cheating on her with this hottie swedish chick. We're going at it on this cage of sorts, and I look down and there are *hundreds* of people going at it in little groups. Mostly chicks. Said bulldyke comes out with another acme mallet, and I jump off the cage....falling falling falling.
I "wake up" in the jacuzzi with that beautiful girl from the beginning of the dream, and her boyfriend and Frank are looking at me like I am batshit.
Am I a lesbian? :P