Confirmation class.

Apr 08, 2008 18:56

I went to church today, to help take the Confirmation classes with the 10 year olds from our school. The Vicar, the Sunday school teacher, and myself have been doing this every Tuesday for about 10 weeks now, getting the kids ready for the Confirmation ceremony on the 27th of April ( Read more... )

family, church

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Comments 2

firefly124 April 8 2008, 20:05:06 UTC
At least they're asking the left-field questions. When I taught Confirmation class ages and ages ago in my Catholic days, I couldn't get them to say two words, for the most part, much less voluntarily ask questions. Then again, they were 14-15 year-olds. I guess 10 year-olds are less bored and jaded with everything.

Your Vicar sounds like something of a space cadet. Good thing you held the Q & A, as it sounds like they desperately needed to cover some serious basics before dress rehearsals and such!


saracen77 April 9 2008, 12:09:03 UTC
Your Vicar sounds like something of a space cadet.

Giggle! I'm gonna have to tell him that!

I think the problem with my Vicar, is that hes not just my Vicar. He is all sorts of other things, Bishop's planning officer, Warden of Readers, school governor...etc, etc, ad infinitum... Because we are running out of clergy, there are not enough people to do all the jobs, so Barry spends a lot of time chasing his own tail, and things like this fall through the cracks... Sigh...

You are right. It's good that we could get some of the odd questions out of the way. It's like Terry Pratchett says, you start out with the simple things, which, in effect are simple and acceptable "lies to children", i.e. we must pray with our eyes closed, head bowed and hands together, simply because they are too small to sit still any other way. Then they get bigger and those little fibs get turned into dogma... Cue another big sigh...

Only 3 more weeks till zero hour...


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