So getting home from Dominica was a bit of a...problem. Look, I don't fly well at all, no secret, but maybe perhaps I did happen to take too much valium. I thought I was in Chicago...I was in San Francisco. These pictures are me trying to stay awake because my 12 hour flight turned into an almost 48 hour flight (due to layovers and me missing all my flights because I kept falling asleep when I should be boarding). *ahem* Mental note, no valium before boarding. Seriously, I was a mess. I'd go into more detail, but I need to shower and meet a friend.
At this point I decided to enter all the bathrooms I could find. I had 4 or 5 hours to kill, couldn't miss a 2 hour flight home.
Getting distracted...
I got in trouble when I found this thing. Everytime someone would ask me if I really needed it, I would say it was for my hip. Oh come on! You take valium and let's see how fast you think on your feet!
Getting distracted while in my new wheelchair
This is the second or third time I got in trouble.
Who am I giving my camera to??
It's a miracle! I can walk!
This lady asked me if I could walk at all and of course, it was back to my "it's my hip" story. She told me to board first 5 minutes before anyone else so I can "have more room". This is me being quite happy I can board on time for once and two, I was the first one on the airplane. It is nicer when you can go first. I'll have to steal more wheelchairs more often.
Ah shit, an empty airplane
This is me waking up in SeaTac. My mother and brother who picked me up still are teasing me about what I was saying when they picked me up...we'll just forget about that part...
Home in Auburn drinking in front of Auburn City Hall. The woman who is coming down the stairs is a some councilwoman who ended up talking to us for over an hour bitching about the mayor and his new office that has his own personal bathroom.