Egads Man!

Dec 11, 2004 16:31

I need to get a grip. I went out last night and had a blast. Unfortunately, beer goggles were on quite thick and ummm, everyone under the sun was looking good.

I was actually done going to different clubs last night by 11:30pm, so I had a lot of sleep before work. However, I wasn't feeling social until after my lunch, around 1pm. Everyone was getting on my nerves, but I think that's more my attitude problem than anyone else's. Eh, oh well.

There's this guy at work who, for some reason, likes to get really close to me when he talks. I can handle a lot of funky things, I mean good Lord, I work on Broadway, and not trying to sound negative here, but I think I need to slip him a breath mint next time I see him walking my way. Maybe I'll take pity on the person I see him talking to and run up and give him a mint, because, well, his breath is foul. And truthfully, him talking with some rancid breath really close to me while talking about his digestive track, yeeesh, I can't deal.

Thank GOD it's Saturday. Today was so slow. We had a lot of things to do, but I was surrounded by guys that, um, I was getting a bit irked at. But, like I said, it's my own attitude problem that I was having an issue with more than theirs. But still, I was flippin' irritated to all hell.

I need to go out dancing tonight, but I think I'm heading over to my momma's house and just fall asleep there. Maybe I'll go to a meeting tonight? Who knows?

Josh wants me to go to this meth anonymous meeting with him on Wednesday. Sounds like it would be good, or at least interesting if nothing else. However, I get nervous in those types of meetings only because it will probably be like the Reality Center where everyone has fucked eachother. But maybe not, I'll go to just check it out, but I'll watch my little attitude because that will either make or break the meeting for me.

I got a stupid split on the tip on my right pointer finger. It hurts when I type the letters "j,h,u,n,m".

I'm sleepy, but I really need to go to the gym, since it's been almost two freakin' weeks since I've last gone.

My hands are dry.

I crammed my wash machine full with clothes and while it was on the spin cycle, the middle part came up and scared the hell out of me. It made the lid go up and down while making this loud crashing sound.

I need to return my library book, actually, I needed to do that 2 days ago. I probably won't do it today.

And that "Erectile Dysfunction" ad still keeps popping up on my computer. Honest, I have no Erectile issue.
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