Sep 03, 2004 23:12
My journal is for my thoughts to get out of my head. It is intended to stay here, although I do understand when you write in a "live" journal, things tend to get out.
I go to a meeting tonight, and Cindy is a little upset. She finally calls me out of the meeting to tell me someone copied my live journal entry and emailed her it.
I guess I can understand a friend seeing that and "feeling" they need to show them what the other person is writing about them, but at the same time, I'm so livid about this, I can't even describe it. It was like you only showed that entry I wrote about her and not the other ones where it shows I do like hanging out with her.
Due to that, I feel my privacy has been invaded and that makes me angry. I'm trying to be understanding about this but I can't figure out why you only sent her that one entry.
She was crying tonight and again, my heart broke. Trying to explain to her that my journal is just for me to get out my frustrations or whatever and that she is NOT a bother to me and that I do like seeing her.
Cindy and me are cool again, but you caused more damage with your feeling the need to get involved with something that you have no business being involved in.
Half of me kinda understands why you sent her that email, the other half of me hopes to hell that I don't find out who the fuck you are.