A Breath

Mar 07, 2008 16:38

Yesterday and today I sent Asher off to the babysitters'. (Hi, Beautiful Sitters!) I wish it was because I had crazy amounts of lucrative work to do while he was gone, but that's not why. Mostly it was because I need a break. From him.

Don't get me wrong. Of course I love him completely at every moment-even when it's 3 a.m. and he is SCREAMING in my EAR, even when he's BITING my LEG, even when he's PINCHING my BREAST with his fingernails so hard I want to scream.

But still. It's time I had a tiny space to myself. I planned a coffee date for each morning. Both coffee dates canceled for very good reasons.

So, without big projects to work on or coffee dates, here's how I spent these two glorious mornings: 
* dealing with paperwork
* finding all my 2007 business expense receipts
* updating my business spreadsheets in preparation for Taxes
* paying bills and moving money
* invoicing
* writing a little fiction

Yes, I agree. It doesn't sound all that fun (except for the last point). But having space to think, to accomplish little tasks was just spectacular. It felt sooooo good. My desk is still a giant mess, but the piles are smaller. New file folders now exist, and I have a trip to the office supply store planned.

Yay for the mundane. Sometimes it's just what you need.

asher, inside my head, everyday stuff, freelancing

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