Do you ever feel soooo alone?

Jul 22, 2005 21:35

So here lately i have been feelin' well as the title says pretty alone. My bestfreind only has time for her boyfriend and work now i cant even have a convo over the phone with her.It seems like once again i am second fiddle which i hate. I miss her i miss havin someone to blabber about my problems to. Someone who would listen and make everythang better. I lost that person. I need her now more than ever. Once again i am over philip and thinkin i dont like him nemore and then here he comes! We saw war of the worlds, Philip, Eric and myself. Of course philip and i flirt all the time. I for some odd reason am extremly attracted to him and i accually like him. I have for forever!!! But it never works out. I want to date him. Okay on with my story so he like hits my hand with his hand and of course i have to hit his back. So this goes on for a little while then he kinda grabs my hand and we held hands for basically the rest of the movie! I didnt want the movie to end. I wanted to feel like he liked me for more than 2 hours.I have been feelin terribly unattractive for a while now too. And kinda left out alot. We went to the water park and its like my sisters we always together and most of the time my mom and dad were and john and april and there baby and then there was me by my lonsome most of the time.Wow i thought being 17 would b awsome but it isnt realli. Well i guess that about sums up my life for the past while ttyl.. much love
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