May 06, 2004 23:33
This is a message regarding Rebecca's blog post for April 27th, 2004 which reads:
*"Yaya, okay work is going good. Things haven't really gotten any better, but it's okay. Getting ready to move, packing and throwing shit away that has anything to do with an ugly fat ex b/f who thinks he rules all. So bassically any cds or posters that I happen to have that were his and he gave to me aer going. Some t-shirts of his.... whatever else is lurking in the garage.
Erik and I are so happy to move. We all ready have everything we need and we are going to get some new stuff soon. Our place is going to be sweet. nothing like the other trash holes I had to live in before. Pluss Erik has all this money saved up, it's not like he is in debt or anything. So we can afford to get all the new things we want and not have to worry about not being able to afford reant. We both make good money together. Most of that money will be saved up for our future plans. Getting married in Vegas, Getting a house and haveing everything in the worl we could possibly want.
I can't wait to go to school in SF. with Sara. We are going to have so much super duper fun. as soon as my apprenticeship is good to go, I will be set. With my lifes dream of being a professional ody piercer. I'm not taking no for an answer.
I got my nails done again for my b-day, you know, I have never been treated so good before.... I get pamperd alot. Things I have never really had before new clothes every other week, make-up and nails, not to mention getting my hair dyed all the time. I never have to deal with being uncomfortable and awkward because I know I look good. Thanks to certain people that I love *kisses* No thanks to a big fat loser that never paid any attention to anything I need or wanted because he was too busy putting himself in debt for stupid things he didn't even need, not just that but taking other girls out when he should have been taking me out. Fucker!
Oh... my health isnt looking to well today, still having some prollems with my kidneys and what ever the hell is causing me to feel so crappy inside. Fuck.....
Questions ???
Okay, so.. I have been having some trouble at work. Things go on that I just don't understand. I work at this awsome tattoo and body art shop with really cool people. I was hired for counter work/possible future apprenticeship. I make half of tips on tattoos and piercings, plus commission pay and a little extra for doing extra. I get great hook-ups on stuff there. I really have nothing to complain about. Just a few questions:
1. How long is too long?
I have been working there for almost 2 months, and I am still getting the same pay and treatment as before.. but doing a little more work than I thought I would be doing. I guess I am not quite considered an apprentice yet. How long is too long to wait for that apprenticeship to move along before I find a second job or possibly quit?
2 If I am not being payed hourly should it be required I be there on time, and leave exactly when the shop closes unless I work out something else?
3 If I were to feel sick, or couldn't come in to work for some reason like a doctors app. should it be a big deal to work that one day without me? Having someone there is a must, but does it really hurt the buisness to hire some one for part time or emergencies only?
4 Is having the gass leak harming my body more than I think and as an employee should I be expected to work uder those conditions? Shouldn't work be closed off untill the gass leak is fixed not just for the safety of employees, but customers as well?
5 If the main person that needs to be at the shop is hardly there, doesn't that make a bad influence on someone who is supposed to learn from that person professionally? And if you made an agreement of pay with the person in charge and that person hasn't followed up on that payment, do I have the right to complain?
I don't know... I am having a really hard time with this. Stay with it, try harder...... or stop and think about what I am doing. Am I being used, or treated unfairly? Is it time for me to quit? I just can't keep this straight. Everyone is telling me to quit, but my heart... says keep going and it will get better. Working there is stressfull when you feel like things aren't working out.
Staying with it is hard when everyone else has the privledge to leave, or come in when they want. I am hurt by someone I respect so much and look up to because I don't know if I can do everything as perfect as they want me to and I am scared of being rejected and thrown away like alot of others. Anyway.. Going to sleep so I can be to work a half an hour earlier then anyone else... and wait there untill it's time to open... then clean while I wait for customers to come in..... also.... wear something more steril than normal clothes."*
And this is my response as the Owner/Manager/ and Professional Piercer at the above mentioned shop:
If you have questions like this, the best thing to do is ASK ME, not post it to a bunch of people who do not have anything to do with the shop. And if you are going to talk shit like this, and you do not want me to see it and respond- like I am now- then don't send me the link address so I can see it, or to any of my friends that will show it to me.
First of all, when you were hired- the only pay promised to you was 20% commission on retail sales... PERIOD. We always pay that and we always have. That's what Sheena gets, and that is what everyone else has always got. Actually, you probably make more than many others that have worked for us. IF WE GIVE YOU ANY OF OUR TIPS, that is just us being cool. We do not owe the tips that people pay us personally for the tattoo or pierce that we personally performed on them to anyone. We are the ones performing the procedure, and it is us that they are tipping. For you to gripe about not getting OUR tips, is ridiculous! When we get tips, that is all we make as well. We don't make some big fat money that we are holding out on you. We told you from the beginning that this is not a job that you make a lot of money at... (it's more of a lifestyle with cool perks...)
We also told you that there would be a 90-day probation period. No promise of any pay raise was made. We have always paid the same, why would we change it now for you only? What I said was that IF you were piercing, you would make $10 per pierce, along with your commission. I never promised you an apprenticeship and certainly not right off the bat, and as a matter of fact... I told you that I wanted you to learn EVERYTHING about the shop BEFORE I EVEN CONSIDERED you for an apprentice-and after your 90-day probation period. (Or anyone else's for that matter!) I stressed that purposely, and now it seems that you feel that I OWE you apprenticeship. I do not owe that to you or anyone else. If I was like all the other shops, I would have CHARGED you THOUSANDS of dollars for an apprenticeship- in which a big part of that is knowing the counter and EVERYTHING else. And they usually do not get paid ANYTHING at all.
I told you before that we are a tight knit shop and when we let someone into our inner circle, they should respect us and our shop as if it was their own. Because in a way, it kind of is. From all this complaining, I can see that you are not dedicated to us, our shop, or our goals. I do not feel that you are 'a team player' and I feel like two months is not long enough for you to say "how long is too long?"... especially considering that a regular apprenticeship lasts up to two years! I do not feel that asking you to come in on time is above and beyond the regular call of duty. It is a job, that you claim to love so much, and that is part of having a job. You are a 1099 employee, and we have never offered you or anyone else an hourly wage.... and everyone else has showed up on time for MONTHS (and even years for some!) WITHOUT an hourly wage. Mike and I do not even make an hourly wage. As for Mike and I getting to come and go as we want- yes, we can! We OWN that shop and essentially we can do whatever we want. Sheena is only part time and she is strictly counter help, and like I told you before- she does not come and go when she wants, she is always reliable and dependable and she arranges her time off, etc. just like everyone else. Why is it that you feel that you don't have to do what we hired you to do?
Also, to mention that we need to hire someone else because you need to call in sick/ or be late (4-5 days out of a 5 day work week!) makes me angry. We prefer not to have a whole bunch of employees working here- and we should not have to hire anyone else because you are not dependable. That is why we hired you in the first place.
As for the gas leak... first of all it does not exist anymore because the water heater was replaced. BUT... we have had Questar out before to check it and they said that the leak was NOT bad enough to red tag it. They bitched about the exhaust vent not being attached to the top, but said that the leak was not a big deal. ALL the rest of us have worked around that for a year now and suffered through minor headaches and such for a lot longer than you have, without being so extreme like you are. We DO care about our customers, employees, and ourselves and we took care of it. For you to complain and contemplate that so much and exaggerate it to the extent that you have makes me paranoid of you, and again makes me feel like you are not dedicated.
As for me not being there all the time to teach you... I have a family and things to deal with. I own that shop and I am established piercer. I DO NOT currently have any apprentices that I must be dedicated to and show up faithfully for. And you have not given me reason to bust my ass in here for you, as you do not bust your ass for me. I do not feel that you have such a rough job, and I do not feel like we give you so much to do. I told you that I wanted you to learn counter and everything else before I even considered you as an apprentice- and by the way you publicly complain about the minimal work we give you now, I sure do not trust that if we were not there you would perform the way I would expect from an apprentice of mine. And I certainly do not want to have to worry about what kind of shit anyone who works at our shop my be talking about us on line or where ever.
As far as feeling sorry for yourself and trying to portray us as if we make you come in early OR wear sterile clothes (which is not possible), that makes me upset also. We NEVER told you to come in a half hour before everyone and sit there in 'more sterile clothes' and wait for someone to come open! And for YOU TO TELL US that in one of our meetings (to which I replied "Don't be silly!") and then represent it as if we actually would do that, is just straight irritating and tells me that this kind of bullshit is a big part of what you are about. If you feel that you are being used and treated unfairly, then quit now and save us all the time and energy of continually having to babysit you. But don't sit around and talk shit to your on line buddies and such- who have no idea what this industry is like and just like to fill your head full of bullshit about your 'wasted talents'. Professional piercing is a skill and having the guts to push a needle through your skin or someone else's is not a 'talent' that can be learned WELL without experience and training. (Not to mention it can be filthy and a drawback to the progress of the professional piercing industry as a whole.) The fact that you do not respect our shop, skills, and talents and that you feel that you deserve special treatment for one reason or another tells me that this is not going to change and that it is time for you to move on now.
We all really like you as a person, and even value your friendship, but professionally it seems that we do not flow. We are sorry that things did not work out the way you thought that they would, but as we explained in another meeting with you, in a small business environment such as ours you have to learn the line between business and friendship. And you are still welcome to come see us for your professional tattoo or piercing needs!
If you have any more questions or concerns.... PLEASE contact me, Sara Durfee, personally! You know various ways to get a hold of me.
*Sincerely Yours*
~Sara Durfee~
Dated May 6, 2004
THIS IS A NOTICE REGARDING FURTHER REFERENCE OF REBECCA OGDEN'S EMPLOYMENT AT BERSERK BODY ART TATTOO & PIERCING STUDIO for a period of less than 90-days. She has NOT been apprenticed under SARA DURFEE as a piercer and she has NOT been trained to properly perform body piercings. She is absolutely NOT permitted to use our business name, tax numbers, business license number, etc. or represent our shop as a 'body art operator' of any sort. Her employment was that of a counter helper and her duties included general cleaning, standard shop paperwork and aftercares, retail sales of jewelry and such, answering the phone and corresponding orders, and also some inside trade secrets- which are the sole property of Berserk Body Art Tattoo & Piercing on record with the Tooele County Health Department and if disclosed without our written permission is illegal and we will prosecute.
So... needless to say... I have again spent HOURS on the computer on this is issue, therefore I am not going to post anything else for today. *Sorry*