i think i'm falling for him...
like, seriously falling for him...
in other news,
http://www.mediaresearch.org/everyone go there
read it
and stop listening to the fucking media INCLUDING fucking moore because NONE of them have any idea what they're talking about
president bush is NOT the incarnation of evil, and most of what the media has been barraging you with (for example the lack of connections between saddam and al qaeda, and the other popular arguments against him) IS BULLSHIT. they've been making the right conclusions from the information they've been getting, but the information they've been getting is -hey, whaddaya know- BULLSHIT
GRRR i hate the media
saddam hussein was completely insane. he was the modern hitler. and i mean that. the only difference between him and hitler is that saddam got stopped before he got the chance to go as far as hitler did. and as far as the rising casualties in the war, honestly, these casualties are NOTHING. more people die annually in military accidents -AT THEIR HOME BASES- then have died in this war. and besides. IT'S A WAR. it's not gonna be all tea pots and crumpets. what ever the reason for going to war was, it NEEDED to happen. saddam hussein NEEDED to be stopped. we should have stopped him YEARS ago. he should be nothing more than a pile of decomposed shit right now. and as for everyone throwing shit at bush, well, everyone's smarter after the fact. if they're all so fucking smart, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY SAY SOMETHING EARLIER. all these fuckheads that are trying to bring down president bush - WHERE WERE THEY WHEN THE WAR WAS STARTING?? HMM?
very few things REALLY piss me off, and the media is one of them. honestly, why people would believe a fucking NEWS REPORTER who just happened to get a book published over the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES is beyond me. wake. the fuck. up.