frieennnddsss :)

Jul 05, 2006 18:33

oooh pretty people that have time to update journals :)

for the record...beckie has an amazing looking child

and lissa will be here in 5 days!!! that is amazing.

here's the recent developments of my life as of late:
still being a barista and managing little baby Java's at MCC AND i have a job interview for another part-timer at Delia's which i'm uber excited about. I'm planning on moving out in early september with amazing girls: Bethany Amico, Emily Wolf, and Lisa Barker. They are so wonderful...i like them all a lot. It will be the next generation of Hess house. There will be a lot of love happening all the time.

If you haven't heard, my brother joined the marines. He leaves end of August for bootcamp and i can't really think about without feeling aches and pains in my chest and tummy.

Lissa....not only is Shakespeare in the park happening when you're here, but Nanny McPhee is playing in the bowl next Thursday as well I think that's the 13th. mmhmm. fun things. i plan on spending way too much money on film processing this summer.

let's plan Dump Tour '06 while you're here.
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