
Oct 26, 2005 01:02

I passed my hearing, and Emilio actually told me I "played very well." He also said he was "very pleased" with the things I have accomplished cellistically through my recent hard work. Those are HUGE compliments from Emilio, the man who is never mean, but usually only says what needs to be fixed. Apparently I really need to change my A string before my recital, though, because it is unbelievably strident and twangy.

When I got home I immediately ate a taco (Beth planned perfectly and had Taco Nite tonight), and took a shot of vodka. Over the next few hours I spent my time uploading photos to facebook (this new feature is terribly addictive), talking online and on the phone to Charles, drinking fresh strawberry dacquiris, and taking more vodka shots. Somehow after everyone else left, Beth (who had also partaken of the lime vodka and dacquiris) and I began speaking in French, and continued to do so for over an hour of full-fledged conversation. I don't think I've spoken more than 20 words of French since my sophomore year of High School! The things alcohol can do for inhibitions... We have now made a pact to get drunk and speak foreign languages on a regular basis.
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