Jun 02, 2004 10:21
Nice to see an old friend!
Missed ya Kristie!
Gotta hook you up with Josh though...
He thought you were "super hot"
Gotta love man talk!
We should do the pool thing more often when your home, but not just the three of us, especially if I am hookin you and Josh up, he's a keeper, let me tell you!!
Cedar Point...most fun ever!! Love all of the 11 other people that went! Gotta love my girls...(Erin & Lia) And Especially Crazy, Muscular, Sexy and the youngens for sticken with me!! BUT..I am so fucking sore!
THE BIG 35....oh wait, 24 (jk)
Been told my car is dirty and smelly...not sure what to say about that...guess I should clean it!
North Carolina in countdown....
2 fuckin days man!!
I am so excited to get out of here with some people that I love!! Will be fun, soakin up the sun and ocean with my best buds and my sexy man!
Well that's about it, almost done with spring classes, then work, work, and more work to be done.
Love all my "new" friends lately...
~good people~<---(Stole from Scott)
That's all she wrote man..
Peace...good morning!
Love ya'll
Sara Ann