Oct 02, 2012 21:48
I just wanted to apologize for not having been around on LJ lately. I really want to get back to the One Piece posts! But besides getting adjusted back to life post-sabbatical (which is going busily, but well), the main reason I haven't been around is that I've been getting physical therapy since August for persistent pain in my left arm. Apparently it's a severely irritated rotator cuff, caused by computer over-use (what, I'm not supposed to be on the laptop 24/7?). I can still type short posts, obviously, but long typing sessions were making the problem much worse, so for the last month I've been trying to avoid computer use and amusing myself in other ways.
Since reading One Piece made me feel guilty for not doing posts, I've been reading a lot of Detective Conan. (I don't know, somehow the dumb detective stories are just kind of soothing?) Also catching up on a lot of anime, both vintage and recent - but more on that some other time.
Kitties are well and tearing my house to shreds in an excess of kitten energy. Oh god. I may never have an upright trash can ever again.
Physical therapy is showing improvement, so I hope to be around more soon!