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mangaroo June 30 2012, 01:40:39 UTC
Just a random thank you for reading and posting. I don't do much thinking about this series (if I read Japanese and lived in Japan, I would probably collect all sorts of doujinshi about the characters, because it is their interaction I enjoy more than any specific plot), but I do occasionally sock away a "hmmm, I wonder why" question inspired by the anime, and I finally went to the bother of doing a little research to answer one of those lingering questions.

'bout Zanpakutou, just so I don't seem too coy.


sara_tanaquil June 30 2012, 01:46:56 UTC
You're welcome! Discussion makes everything better.

(I am getting so much out of the One Piece discussions, it's way better than just re-reading alone.)

Did you learn anything about Zanpakutou you can share, or would it be spoilery at this juncture?


mangaroo June 30 2012, 01:53:09 UTC
The only spoiler would be what inspired the question, so we'll stay away from that.

It was just curiosity about what relationship the zanpakutou, its spirit manifestation, and the bankai attack had to the soul reaper who wields it. I just hadn't thought through that the sword is generated by its owner and therefore is directly representative of their spirit energy. (In fact, I don't know if a Zanpakutou could be "stolen" in battle and used by another against its owner...which isn't to suggest that it hasn't happened. I may simply have seen and forgotten it.)


sara_tanaquil June 30 2012, 02:14:35 UTC
Wow, that's a good question (about whether a zanpakutou could be wielded by someone other than the owner). I will have to keep an eye out for that as I read.


sara_tanaquil June 30 2012, 02:12:57 UTC
Forgot to say-

it is their interaction I enjoy more than any specific plot

I can totally see this! What are your favorite examples of interaction (that you can share at this point)? Not necessarily specific incidents from the manga/anime, though those would be interesting too, but which characters' interactions do you especially enjoy, as distinct from liking for the characters themselves? Who would you buy doujinshi for? Not necessarily slash (or het) pairings, but just friendshippy dj?


mangaroo June 30 2012, 03:04:58 UTC
Let's see...

Ukitake (the tall, silver-haired captain of the 13th division) and ANYBODY, but most specifically with Toushirou (the short, silver-haired captain of the 10th division), with Shunsui (the rather flamboyant captain of the 8th division; should be the guy who fought Chad), and with his two officers Sentarou and Kiyone. These are all just friendshippy.

I could read Ichigo with his dad and Ichigo irritating Byakuya forever. Ichigo and Kon and Hanatarou.

Almost any soul reaper with the manifested spirit of his or her Zanpakutou.

All the female officers in the Seireitei belong to the Shinigami Women's Association. Their meetings kill me.

For yaoi, I would choose [not a spoiler, but I am protecting the eyes of those who don't want nuthin' to do with yaoi]Ichigo x Uryuu. For het, I would choose Shunsui and his lieutenant.


sara_tanaquil June 30 2012, 04:55:48 UTC
OMG, I forgot Shunsui! (I think I never grasped his name properly; neither the names Shunsui nor Kyouraku registered with me.) He was an awesome character.

Yoruichi and... what was her name... Soi? "Why didn't you take me with you," aw.

I would love to read more stuff with Rukia and Renji, childhood friendship wise. Osananajimi forever.

I am intrigued by Shuuhei, though I don't have a good sense of where his character fits in.


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