Top5 sheldon/penny scenes

Feb 07, 2010 23:39

For picspammy 

5) "Penny, I’m not sure I’m comfortable harbouring a fugitive from the 2311 North Los Robles Corporation"

Penny: The building manager’s showing an apartment downstairs, and I haven’t paid my rent.
Sheldon: Oh, I see. Penny, I’m not sure I’m comfortable harbouring a fugitive from the 2311 North Los Robles Corporation.
Penny: It’s no big deal. I’m just a little behind on my bills because they cut back my hours at the restaurant and my car broke down.
Sheldon: If you recall, I pointed out the “check engine” light to you several months ago.
Penny: Well the “check engine” light is fine. It’s still blinking away. It’s the stupid engine that stopped working. It cost me like twelve hundred dollars to fix it.
Sheldon: You know, it occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.
Penny: Yes, it occurs to me, too.
Sheldon: Hang on a moment. (He opens a jar. Snakes jump out. He then pulls out a large wedge of money) Here. Take some. Pay me back when you can.
Penny: Wow, you got a lot of money in there.
Sheldon: That’s why it’s guarded by snakes. Take some.
Penny: Don’t be silly.
Sheldon: I’m never silly. Here.
Penny: No, I can’t.
Sheldon: Don’t you need money?
Penny: Well, yeah, but…
Sheldon: This is money I’m not using.
Penny: But what if you need it?
Sheldon: My expenses account for 46.9% of my after-tax income. The rest is divvied up between a small savings account, this deceptive container of peanut brittle and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure who shall remain nameless for his own protection. Or her own protection. Take some.
Penny: Really? I mean, are you sure?
Sheldon: I see no large upcoming expenditures unless they develop an affordable technology to fuse my skeleton with adamantium like Wolverine.
Penny: Are they working on that?
Sheldon: I sincerely hope so.

4) "Well played"

Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny, (knock, knock, knock) Penny, (knock, knock, knock) Penny… (door opens) I am very, very sorry for what I have done. Here’s your laundry, I rescind your strikes and you are no longer banished.
Penny: Can I sit wherever I want? No, no, never mind, never mind, that’s, that’s not important. Sheldon, this was big of you. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Sheldon: Thank you.
Penny: Good night, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Penny.
Penny: Yes?
Sheldon: Well played.
Penny: Thank you.
Sheldon: Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility.
Penny: Understood.

3) "Oh, blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down" 

From Penny’s apartment tRaj, Leonard and Howard hear Penny and Sheldon singing “Blow the man down.” They enter to find Sheldon and Penny working together on the barettes.

Leonard: Hello?
Penny & Sheldon together: Hello. (They resume singing and working)
Leonard: W-W-Wait, what’s going on?
Sheldon: I assume you’re referring to the sea shanty. It’s a rhythmic work song designed to increase productivity.
Penny: Yeah, it’s crazy, but it totally works. Look, we made this Penny Blossom in under three minutes.
Leonard: Terrific, but that kind of raises more questions than it answers.Sheldon: Penny’s making hair accessories. I’m helping her optimize her manufacturing process. All right, break’s over. (They start singing again.)

2) "Sing Soft Kitty to me!"

Penny: Sing Soft Kitty to me.
Sheldon: Soft Kitty is for when you're sick, you're not sick.
Penny: Injured and drugged is a kind of sick.
Sheldon: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur..
Penny: Wait, wait. Lets sing it as a round, I'll start! Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... see that's where you would come in, I'll start over. Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur...
Penny: I've gott all night Sheldon! Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur..
Together: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.

1) "I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy!"

Sheldon: Ah, good, Penny, you’re here to exchange gifts. You’ll be pleased to know I’m prepared for whatever you have to offer.
Penny: Okay, here.
Sheldon: I should note I’m having some digestive distress, so, if I excuse myself abruptly, don’t be alarmed. Oh, a napkin.
Penny: Turn it over.
Sheldon: To Sheldon, live long and prosper. Leonard Nimoy.
Penny: Yeah, he came into the restaurant. Sorry the napkin’s dirty. He wiped his mouth with it.
Sheldon: I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy?!
Penny: Well, yeah, yeah, I guess. But look, he signed it.
Sheldon: Do you realize what this means? All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!
Penny: Okay, all I’m giving you is the napkin, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Be right back.

(Sheldon appears with all the gift baskets)

Penny: Sheldon! What did you do?!
Sheldon: I know! It’s not enough, is it? Here.
Penny: Leonard, look! Sheldon’s hugging me.
Leonard: It’s a Saturnalia miracle.

weekly crush: jim parsons, sara: digs nerds, otp: sheldon/penny, the bbt: is awesome, tv: the big bang theory, weekly crush: kaley cuoco, !picspams

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