A promise is a promise.

Apr 04, 2009 18:51

For picspammy

05. Mohinder hugs Molly. (Powerless)

Sylar: And she dies ... a sweet, innocent little girl.
[Molly falls to the ground, a black tear streaming down her face.]
Sylar: Stop it, Maya! Now!
[Maya tries. Molly gasps as her eyes clear. Maya‘s eyes clear. Mohinder gets up and runs to Molly. He hugs her as she cries.]
Mohinder: All right. I'll help you, but not here. We need to get to my lab.

04. Mohinder is hugged by Molly, after bickering with Matt. (Kindred)

Mohinder: I told myself I would do whatever it took to take down the company. That's how I can help Molly.
Matt: You want to help Molly? Don't die on her.
Molly: Mohinder, you're home!
[Molly runs out and jumps into Mohinder’s hug.]
Mohinder: That's right. And I'm never leaving again.

03. The scene where you're gonna melt. (The Line)

<3 <3 <3

02. Mohinder sings a lullaby. (The Kindness of Strangers)

[Mohinder sits on the bed next to Molly.]
Mohinder: Just try to get some sleep, sweetheart.
Molly: When will they stop?
Mohinder: I don't know.
[Molly closes her eyes and Mohinder sings her a lullaby.]

01. The sweetest smile ever. (The Hard Part)

Molly: You're different from the other doctors. [She glances at her arm.] They're much better at this.
Mohinder:[chuckles] Thanks.
[Molly smiles at him.]


!picspams, tv: heroes

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