Tittle: Of Mothers and Children - Picnic
Author: storm_8
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Sara/Sofia
Raiting: PG
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Ha! Obviously I don't own any of these characters except the original one's...
A/N: Not betaed, so all mistakes are mine.
So, it's been a while - and, really, I should be working on my lab thingy and not writing fanfiction... - but I had a party yesterday and did too much cleaning today, so I talked to the muse to see if she was available. Luckily she was in a somewhat good mood and this popped out.
Picnic with Sara and Sofia! And I believe this one will have a follow-up...
Enjoy and comment, because it let's me know I should continue!!!!
When a very loud shriek was heard, the squirrels hid in the trees and the four children looked over to see their mothers rolling around on the blankets. )