Tittle: Of Mothers and Children - End of Shift
Author: storm_8
Fandom: CSI
Pairings: Sara/Sofia
Raiting: PG
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Ha! Obviously I don't own any of these characters except the original one's...
A/N: Not betaed, so all mistakes are mine.
A look at Sara and Sofia's work day (or the end of the work day...).
We finally have internet at home (although it's still being tested...), but I'm currently ill, so who knows when I'll post next - hopefully soon... Anyway, this one is rather small (my addled brain couldn't decide what to focus on because of this damn flu...) and we have Warrick still alive, Riley working in Dayshift, Nick and his tarantula (because I watched "Family Affair" and thought it was interesting Nick trying to become the next Grissom) and Wendy too.
Enjoy and comment, because it let's me know I should continue!!!!
“Can you surf uncle Greg?” the blonde girl asked, when she found a picture of him standing next to a surfboard. )