(no subject)

Sep 18, 2010 14:40

Really pleased with myself since today I've already
-spent an hour in bed with of Montreal's new magnificent album False Priest and a book on queer theory
-gone for a long run invluding grave-spotting at the graveyard
-had a long breakfast with newspaper and tea
-gone to buy yarn for an awesome scarf I'm crocheting
-gone to a flea market and bought some nice books
-had tea with my flatmate and planned our third flatmate's birthday gift.

And now for cleaning my overcrowded room before I go to a cheese-and-wine-and-planning-our-trip-to-Poland-gathering. I did mention I'm going to Poland? From the 27th to the 3rd. I need to get drunk tonight because this wednesday, thre was a guy at work who asked me out. I'm really not used to get hit on by sober people on weekdays, so it was.. weird. But nice, I mean, he seems really cool and he's got the hottest arms ever, but still. He's a guy. I'm sure I could hook up with him or something, but I'm really not intrested in anything else. And then I'll have to see him at work twice a week.. I've got his number and he hasn't got mine, so so far I'm in control. We agreed that I'll let him know when and where I'll be going out tonight. So, yeah. He hardly speaks Norwegian, which I actually think is better, because English is somewhat easier.. In a way. I don't know, we'll see.

working out, travel, party, guys

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