Oct 04, 2009 01:32
Mhm. These were the good things of day 6:
- I slept until1 pm. Wonderful.
- Elisa asked me out for lunch
- Went to lunch at the nicest place I've been to in Edmonton, this really cozy cafe with brick walls and everything, with Swedish boy, Danish girl, Elisa and Flo. The food was amazing.
- I've written 800 words on my essay! It's crap and it's not even half of what I decided to finish yesterday, but still. I've dome something.
- I overheard Peter telling Edward how extremely sexy he looks in a suit.
- Danish girl called me at 9 and asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner with her floor.
- On our way there a random man in a suit went "You!", pointing at me, "I like your style".
- We went to an Arabian restaurant. The service was bad, but the food was really good and the people really funny.
- We smoked a lot of shisha, and several people were amazed at how much smoke my lungs could take, haha.
- All these boys were dancing with very cool suggestive hip movements.
- I met two other Norwegian girls that I didn't even know of. They were nice.
Hiking trip tomorrow. I don't have anything to wear, nor do I have a backpack, so I'm gonna look lame. Just hope hope hope it won't rain. But it's going to be cool.
day 6,