Just like in the movies

Jun 02, 2009 22:45

How to describe New York? I don't know. I just know I want to live there. I love it to pieces.

Have some pictures and stuff:

First we flew to Philadelphia on this route, and according to the cabin crew, the fact that we got to see Greenland from the plane was quite rare and spectacular.

This is Greenland.

We had to wait for seven hours in Philadelphia, loads of questions and fingerprints and pictures in the immigration control, but I got in. Philadelphia Airport was OK, we were impressed by all the fat people and the fat food. We made the time pass by making rude comments about people passing by, enjoying the fact that (hopefully) no one could understand us. The jetlag got a hold of me after a while, and before we boarded the tiny local aeroplane to LaGuardia, New York, I had to make drawings to stay awake. Once in NY, we took a taxi to the hostel (which was surprisingly nice) and went to bed.

The next morning we had some fat fried food for breakfast (I couldn't possibly finish it) and then we went to the Museum of Natural History. So much nice stuff! I saw the squid and the whale! And the dinosaurs, oh my god. And the anthropologist in me was very fascinated by all the continent-based exhibitions - finding costumes and equipment from tribes I've read a lot about.

Sailor!boys at the museum.

Afterwords we met with J and O - our two friends that was already in the city. They randomly lived a five minute walk from our hostel, how likely is that? I haven't seen O in three months, because he's been travelling around USA. It was really good seing him again. The boys bought us beer, and we had it in Central Park, in brown paper bags, just like in the movies! There were loads of birds. And a raccoon! Then we had dinner in Hell's Kitchen, indian food which I didn't manage to eat because it was too spicy. But I got Kingfisher, the best beer in the world.

Times Square. Packed with tourists, not too cool.

We then got into a bar by pointing vaguely at our IDs - dates on Norwegian ID cards are quite hard to find, and the waitress got embarrassed because she couldn't find it, and then let us in. My ID - 020888 is August 2nd in Norway and February 8th in USA - worked like a charm the entire week! Anyway, we had pitchers of beer, the two girls I was travelling with went home, and the boys and I got shitfaced. It was cool, though. I have pictures of O and me lying on a piece of cardboard trying to look like hobos. I got home in some way, but the next morning was bad. Enough said.

Wdnesday we met up with the boys at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where we saw a Francis Bacon exhibition wich was amazing. We ment to see it when we were in London in December, but didn't find the time, but I'm so glad we did now. Loved it. Than the girls went to see Egypt, and the boys and I walked around in arms and armour. Cool.

Then we went to the hipster paradise of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and in this wonderful roof bar we had drinks for at least $180. We went to a wonderful, wonderful bookstore in which I bought too many books.

Then to this extremely shabby bar with beer for $3 to make up for our spending. Had a really good time there. O got quite drunk and dared me to sit on his shoulders, and then he of course had to start spinning around and running, and we ended up on the pavement.

On the subway back. The boys are quite affectionate, that far away from their girlfriends...

Next day we had wonderful breakfast, picked up the boys, said hello to O's distant relative which they live with, and she invited us for dinner. We got on the subway through Brooklyn and to Coney Island, what a wonderful place! It was just like in the movies!

The boys at Coney Island. The weather was quite bad, and it sort of looked like a ghost town. Al the amusement parks were closed and there were hardly any people there, but the beaches were beautiful anyway. We then went to Chinatown and walked around, before we went to our hostel to get changed and go to dinner.

And what a dinner! The apartment was huge and everything in it awesome! The people! Carol, O's distant relative is a 60-year old woman who's purpose in life is to show young people that you can have fun even though you're old. She used to be married to a relatively famous writer. Her artist boyfriend was also there with his artist daughter and her two art dealer friends, who both were gay just like gay art people are in the movies. Amazing food, amazing wine, and you cant really pass up a joint when it's offered you from a sixty year old woman. Later the girls went home and I went to Harlem (up to 149th street!) with the boys, but most things were closed, so we ended up in a bar on 80th street insted.

The next day O went back to Norway because his visa expired. We girls walked around in Chelsea and Greenwich Village and out to the piers, which you can see here with a nice view of Jersey City, we shopped a little and saw the financial district, then went back up to Upper West side and had dinner with J.

Saturday we split, A and I went to a market with J and Ni went shopping alone. Foun a few nice things, wrote loads of postcards and then J bought us wine, and we all drank it in Riverside Park with Carol and her boyfriend and a friend of theirs from South Africa who's a brain surgeon. The adults went home and the four of us went downtown. We placed J in a bar while the three of us went up in Empire State Building, I had thought it would me unimpressive and touristy, but holy fuck! what a view! You can probably google way better pictures of it than I managed to take. J was drunk when we got back down, he had been drinking...

...this very strong beer. We got back into the same bar, pulled the same trick with the IDs and had a lot to drink. Took a taxi home.

Sunday was the last full day, we went to the New York Zoo and saw birds and polar bears and penguins, but the coolest things were the turtles. It was like watching a soap opera. We met J at the World Financial Center where there was a free 12-hour bang-on-a-can-concert marathon, really great. Later we went to see a greek opera at an off off Broadway theatre, it was amazing. Except I was so tired I started seing things that weren't there. Ended up having a late dinner at a Chinese-Spanish reataurant and then going home.

Sunday morning we went to MoMA, exceptional. The best museum I've ever been to. we hung around a little, had lunch by the public library, took a taxi to the airport and went home. I had a total of 32 cents left, so the money were well planned. Slept on the plane, so I got a sense of night even though the six time zones are confusing my body.

All in all; fan-fucking-tastic trip. I feel like we've done it all; had beer from paper bags, gotten fat by the food and had our names misspelled at Starbucks. I so want to go back. Right now.

Oh, and another thing; I got compliments from stranger on my cheek piercings every day. Here in Norway, everybody stares but the only people to ask or say anything are very drunk, in NY no one stared, but a lot of normal, sober people stopped me on the street to tell me the piercings made me look cute. That is so much more satisfying!

Anyway, lots of sleep to catch up on.

And now I can really say it - I<3NY

o, books, j, food, friends, party, holiday, new york, alcohol, a, ni

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