Jul 07, 2010 01:51
1. I'm tired.
2. I have a report due on Friday that I am starting to worry is not as far along as it should be. Thus the staying up until almost 2am.
3. I am thinking of taking a graduate course as a non-degree student in counseling. When I would fit this in? Not sure, but it is really starting to feel like the right path for me. Hmm.
4. My dad is very sick with a terrible case of shingles, and also has to go in tomorrow to get results from a biopsy he had last week.
5. I have to drive him to said appointment. I am a bit nervous, scared etc.
6. Ella went to the dentist today to have some pretty major work done, and did AWESOME with a capital AW.
7. As a result, I have promised her Subway for breakfast on the way to school tomorrow. This means we have to get up kinda early. She has been obsessed with Subway for breakfast ever since we started seeing the billboards a couple months ago.
8. Tomorrow is only Wednesday. I am repeating it, like a mantra.
9. I was supposed to have appt #3 with my new therapist tomorrow, but I will have to cancel, since I have to take my dad.
10. My business partner and her husband appear to be separating.
11. I am supposed to have a party at my business partner's house on Saturday. It appears that nobody from my family is coming, and most of the friends I invited were from out of town, and can't come. I also sent the invitations later than I should have, so what did I expect? I *am* happy that some of my best out of town friends will be there. And, we are having another party in a few weeks in New Jersey, and another one a couple weeks later in Kentucky, so I shouldn't complain.
12. I am just starting to make a dedicated effort to make more mommy-type friends IRL, and it is hard work for me.
13. I like Tom!