Feb 02, 2010 00:05
i was at mcdonalds tonight returning my red box dvd!! anyhow this lady who looked like a teacher (or else i prolly would have diessed her) came up talking to me asking about if i knew anyone looking for work that she was starting up a new company. She wouldnt give me any info however i didnt realy pressure her about it.. she wanted me to meet her for coffee to go over it even invited my husband which then cued me into thinking it was some kind of scheme for finances like pyramid or soemthing!!
stinks cuase i want to know about it but i really dotn want to open that can of worms.. anyhow she has my number cuase i gave it to her i dont like ignroing ppl but really not in the mood to spend a few hours to find out that its not goin to be a good plan for me.. however there is this fragment that has me thinking what if it is somethin cool??
prolly not the whole spouse thingy invite was not a good sign right??