Update on Me

Mar 21, 2007 15:50

My Mom recently told me about an interview she heard with a woman who wrote about a group of people she calls Scanners. The book is called "Refuse to Choose!" By Barbara Sher. So anyway my Mom ordered me the book and I got it today and started reading it and I am 100% a scanner. You are probably asking what a scanner is. A scanner is someone who is interested in a lot of things and cannot stick to one thing. They start to do one thing and then once they know what they want they move on to something else. They scan things instead of picking one thing and diving into it. So I am a scanner and now knowing this I understand so much about myself. Everything I read in her book I totally understand, and I am. I feel much better some how and find that there may be hope for me in the future that I could figure out what to do with myself.

Other then that I have been offered a job. The job in a flower department at a high-end grocery store called Zupans. They cannot give me the job until they get the results from my drug test. So it is just waiting around. I was a little nerve about the drug test because I have been around pot the last few days when I was at some parties. I now I should be fine but still nerves. My friends keep saying that it won’t matter because I live in Portland where everyone smokes pot. Which is true, I only know three people who do not one has never and the other two use to but don't anymore. In Portland people smoke it walking down the street. That may have to do with the fact that it is a bigger fine to x-walk then be caught smoking.

On that note I was thinking about how you never really know where you will end up. The life I am living and leading was not what I ever thought I would be doing. I am living away from home (which for a while I did not think I would) in an amazing apartment with two friends that I did not meet through school. I think that is one of the weirder things. I am no longer in school and do not live with anyone that goes to school. I am looking forward to working for a while and getting a direction. Since learning that I am a scanner I feel even better about my leaving school. For the first time I am fine not knowing where I will end up.

I was in a Peace rally the other day against the war. It is support to be the largest one ever in Portland. I could believe it was amazing the amount of people. It was a lot of fun. I went with a group of friends, which made it a lot more fun. I will put up a picture of me and my future roommate Patrick.
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