I'm sick at home, feeling all icky and awful, and what do I find? A new screencap commentary by you! Huzzah!! Awesome.
--I'm deeply and madly in love with the fact that Michael is sleeping in KITT while KITT drives.
Aw, me too! That really is the sweetest.
--[The next morning] Michael: "Morning, KITT. I've got to tell you, you're better than any hotel. That was a great night's sleep and a terrific dream." (And OMG his voice here, like we know exactly what kind of terrific dream he was having.) KITT: "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Michael." (And OMG his voice has slipped into a somewhat deeper, hotter, and more tender register than usual too.) ::weak swoony flaily hands::
Dude, that is AWESOME. How much more evidence do we need? Honestly. ha!
--She's giving him an exposition dump about the importance of water to cattle ranching. Okay sure, whatever. I'm just going to look at the pretty.
Me too. Yum!!
--Mmmm!! I fear I'm being self-indulgent again.
Oh, please, keep indulging!
Apparently if he has a car that can fight bulls he can't be as much of a jerk as she was thinking. :D
Brilliant TV logic there. Gotta love it.
--KITT (speaking about the rather large backhoe): "That's an awfuly impressive piece of machinery, Michael. Are you quite sure we want to antagonize it?" KITT's personifying the backhoe. Heee! :D
I'm glad my commentary and 'caps provided at least a bit of distraction from the misery!
I swear I wrote Adrenaline before I saw that scene with Michael sleeping in KITT, but as soon as I saw it I was all, OMG KITT's using the electrical stimulation thing on Michael to make sure he has a good night's sleep. ::flails:: I mean, obviously not, but seriously, that scene could totally have happened in one of my stories. Which made me very happy indeed.
Now relax and take it easy and I hope you feel better *very* soon! ::hugs::
That Michael sleeping in KITT cap *totally* reminded me of your fic, lol. I couldn't help but think naughty thoughts about why he was so drowsy...haha!
I am going to try to take it easy--I think I'll even go to the doctor's office, surprise surprise. I've already called into work for tomorrow. No money, that means, but I think I'd be too sick to do them any good, and that's no fun.
Good luck at the doctor's office. I think you're quite wise not to try to go to work tomorrow if you feel that bad. No money is a pain, but making yourself sicker is worse. And I'm really quite glad to know that I wasn't the only one getting naughty thoughts from that cap.
--I'm deeply and madly in love with the fact that Michael is sleeping in KITT while KITT drives.
Aw, me too! That really is the sweetest.
--[The next morning] Michael: "Morning, KITT. I've got to tell you, you're better than any hotel. That was a great night's sleep and a terrific dream." (And OMG his voice here, like we know exactly what kind of terrific dream he was having.) KITT: "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Michael." (And OMG his voice has slipped into a somewhat deeper, hotter, and more tender register than usual too.) ::weak swoony flaily hands::
Dude, that is AWESOME. How much more evidence do we need? Honestly. ha!
--She's giving him an exposition dump about the importance of water to cattle ranching. Okay sure, whatever. I'm just going to look at the pretty.
Me too. Yum!!
--Mmmm!! I fear I'm being self-indulgent again.
Oh, please, keep indulging!
Apparently if he has a car that can fight bulls he can't be as much of a jerk as she was thinking. :D
Brilliant TV logic there. Gotta love it.
--KITT (speaking about the rather large backhoe): "That's an awfuly impressive piece of machinery, Michael. Are you quite sure we want to antagonize it?" KITT's personifying the backhoe. Heee! :D
ahahaha! That's awesome.
This was great. I love your commentary!
I'm glad my commentary and 'caps provided at least a bit of distraction from the misery!
I swear I wrote Adrenaline before I saw that scene with Michael sleeping in KITT, but as soon as I saw it I was all, OMG KITT's using the electrical stimulation thing on Michael to make sure he has a good night's sleep. ::flails:: I mean, obviously not, but seriously, that scene could totally have happened in one of my stories. Which made me very happy indeed.
Now relax and take it easy and I hope you feel better *very* soon! ::hugs::
I am going to try to take it easy--I think I'll even go to the doctor's office, surprise surprise. I've already called into work for tomorrow. No money, that means, but I think I'd be too sick to do them any good, and that's no fun.
*hugs in return*
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