Braggin' on myself

Feb 02, 2009 08:12

It's really tacky and tasteless to brag on yourself, but OMG, y'all!! I have decisively failed to suck so far this winter. I mean EPIC FAIL at sucking, being lame, growing moss, and being a dipshit.

At the end of last semester, in mid-December I posted my very long list of projects to work on during the semester break. During the break I *added* to it, so it was an even longer list. And, dudes, I got everything done!!! \o/!! Everything.

♥ Apply to EVST program!!
♥ Either get GRE scores from USC or study for and take GREs. (And I did *well*. :D)
♥ Consider also applying for the Natural Resources Dispute Resolution certificate through the Forestry Department.
♥ LMFAwards--vote counting, winner notifying and other donkey work (And we were done before our deadline for the first time in the history of the awards.)
♥ LMFAwards winner graphics (Done within a couple of weeks of the final results being announced.)
smallfandomfest graphics draft (That's as done as they could be until yesterday. I'll do them this week.)
♥ Cover for Catyah's book
♥ Icons for alycewilson
♥ Writing (Three stories posted, two more planned and in the writing process, many other bunnies hopping around the garage getting in Bonnie's way.)
♥ Trip to Georgia to see family (And a lovely time too.)
♦ Slideshow project for American Wildlands (This got postponed until late this month by KD, we did meet and discuss about it.)
♥ Fix LJ tags
♥ Discs for angelskuuipo
♥ Get Benny's alignment fixed (and his 30K mile checkup)
♥ Holiday Win!
♥ Thorough top to bottom cleaning of apartment.
♥ Reorganize and clean out iTunes and iTunes music folder

And all that while still spending lots of time chatting with friends, watching many delightful hours of Knight Rider (::flails::), squeeing Leverage with people, hiking in the snow, driving around in the beautiful mountains, watching cowboys on TV. I can do it!! I can have it all: fandom, real life, clean apartment, grad school, hiking. \o/!

new life, projects, fandom

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