De-friending Amnesty

Jun 11, 2008 07:32

I updated the text of my welcome post/warning letter and I figured that now would be a good time to clarify for the folks who are here for the fannish content (those who have friended me without asking to be friended back) where things stand.

Where things stand is that the fannish content of this journal is going to continue to be sporadic and random and, frankly, *rare* for the foreseeable future. I'm going to be moving to Montana in August (a move of some 2500 miles) and starting graduate school in Environmental Studies. Over the ten months since my separation from my husband, I've found my calling (environmental advocacy) and fandom is having to share time with a full, rich and happy rest-of-my-life.

My love for fandom and fans hasn't dimmed in the slightest, I assure you. I'll continue to be around reading and commenting on fic (when I can), occasionally posting about something that made me squee, co-modding ts_ficathons and smallfandomfest (for as long as spikedluv will have me), working on the LMFAwards. I'll continue to be interested in my shows and in what's happening in fandom in general. I just won't have time for much.

If you were only interested in my LJ for the fannish content, feel free to de-friend me with no hard feelings (or stay as you were--there just won't be much). If you asked to be my friend without realizing the *deluge* of f-locked posts you'd be facing, and you want out, feel free to de-friend me with no hard feelings. If you find my blog way more tedious than you thought and always just scroll on by, feel free to de-friend me with no hard feelings. It's *always* De-Friending Amnesty Day here.

On the other hand, if you didn't know you need to ask to be friended and you *want* to get the deluge of posts on grocery shopping lists, grad school squee, grad school panic, OMG I'm *moving, and so on, please comment either here or at my welcome post and let me know.

new life, live journal, friends

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