Numb3rs Awards

Jan 23, 2008 20:17

My wonderful, and wonderfully patient, smallfandomfest co-mod, spikedluv (really she does all the work and I just have my name on the comm's profile page), has started the Third Round of Numb3rs fanfic awards. (Scanning through their list of previous nominees, I saw a few Larry/Megan fics. :D)

I know I've got some Numb3rs fans on my f-list, if you're one of them, go and nominate! (And if you're nominating Larry/Megan, be sure and stop by here and let me know. :D)

Announcement: Numb3rs Awards Open for Nominations!

The Third Round of numb3rs_awards is open for nominations! Nominations will be accepted through March 4th. We’re accepting nominations for Fan Fiction (with separate categories for Gen, Het and Slash), Graphics, Music Videos and Websites, so head on over and nominate your favorites!

tv shows, fandom

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