Musings on LiveJournal and InsaneJournal and Fandom and Stuff

Aug 12, 2007 14:23

I've spent an absolutely lovely weekend with elmyraemilie and gblvr and Sydni and Creatch (who have LJs, but their LJ names involve numbers and I'm not good with numbers).

It's been an extremely fun time. Part of the weekend has been spent on discussions of LJ and its latest round of suspensions and its latest "clarifications" of the Terms of Service. I've been sticking my head in the sand about all of this stuff for the longest time, because I just want fandom to go back to being the (relatively) happy place it has been for me since I found my way into it in 2002.

Because of these discussions here in elmyraemilie's living room, and the lovely little park in her lovely little town...well, I haven't decided to move on from LJ but I have decided to hedge my bets. I'm staying with LJ partly because I'm an incurable optimist and I keep hoping things will be better. Partly because my fandoms are *not* the ones that have been affected by the suspensions, so my f-list are not among the people who are leaving. Partly because I find alyjude's argument about sticking here and trying to make LJ/6A behave better persuasive.

However, I have created a journal at InsaneJournal (whereat I am also sara_merry99) so that I have an alternate blogging home if LJ becomes too toxic and intolerable. I have also created a Mag7 comm over at InsaneJournal called Magnificent7. (Since obviously Magnificent Seven is one of the essentials of my fannish life.)

My intention is to use that Insane Journal strictly for fannish posts (fic, episode notes, icons, etc.), though the process of backing up my LJ transferred *all* of my posts there, including the flocked ones. I will continue to use my Live Journal as I have been, with fannish posts public and personal posts f-locked.

I may get to the point where I post stories primarily *there* and simply link to them here, but I'm not there yet. I'll let you know if I get there.

If anyone else wants to get an Insane Journal (and I have reluctantly been forced to the position that for fannish content it's a good idea), brown_betty has instructions here on how to port the contents of your LJ to another journaling site. For Windows users only. Sorry.

live journal, fandom

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