Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Love and Honor"

Jun 15, 2007 21:50

Aside from someone mentioning Buck in a sort of significant way in regard to it, I know nothing about this episode.

I'm not getting my hopes up that it's going to be the amazing Chris/Vin slash-fest that last week's episode was. That kind of thing just doesn't happen twice in a row, especially not in an ensemble show.

On with the show...

After-watching note: Oh, I loved that in so many ways!! This series is just *amazing*! I loved Chris and Vin together at the beginning (::flails and runs off to the slashy happy place::), I think JD and Casey are cuter than cute together, and I adore Chris and Buck's friendship with a deep and abiding adoration. I love that they strike sparks off each other, don't always see eye to eye (as Chris says) but when it comes right down to it they support each other.

Love Josiah as spiritual leader and Nathan as fencing coach. And Ezra taking bets on the outcome of the fight ::shakes head::.

spikedluv has a fantastic collection of quotes from "Love And Honor" over at her LiveJournal. You should *definitely* go check them out because she always gets the very best dialogue!

Notes on watching Love And Honor:

--Why am I not surprised that Buck's flirting with Inez? :D Heee!! Good ol' Buck!

--So Ezra's frequenting the saloon his mother bought out from under him?? He did say in the last episode that this was the only saloon in town though didn't he? Okay. I guess the new owner of the hotel has backed down on the gambling and drinking parts of the business.

--Geeze Buck's cute!! But why is Inez splashing him?

--Inez is pretty damned cute too. :D

--Buck really *is* damned good looking!!

--Oh, dear Nathan and Ezra are making Buck's pursuit of Inez into a challenge. Heee!

--Mmmm!! So yummy!!

--Oh, hey! It's Chris's cabin finally! Yay! That is a real pretty spot he picked.

--Oh, just ::swoonflail::!! Love that arm-clasp! And Chris in his undershirt! And his wonderful tight pants!

--Love that Vin brought him out supplies from town as well.

--Oh, love love Chris's slow saunter over to get his gun, and the careful way he slung it over his shoulder so it's right accessible for a quick draw. Sweet!!

--Oh, this guy isn't very smart if he's trying to steal Chris's horse.

--OH, yay!! And how did Vin know to come back, or was he just watching because.... So wonderful!!

--Can I just say a quick "Hot damn, Chris is hot!" I just love him holding his gun on all these guys. Nothing that'll screencap, though I'll try. It's something in the line of his legs and just the...command presence. So much yum!

--Vin: "So much for peace and quiet."

--So this Mexican Guy's got a hired gun he's going to put up against Chris? Oh, dear!! And he wants Inez?? Well, I wonder why. I mean besides the obvious, I'm sure there are plotty reasons.

--Happy credits! :D

--So how did Mexican Guy (they'd better give him a name soon or he's going to be stuck with that forever more) know where Inez has gone?

--Oh, I am definitely amused by Nathan and Ezra teasing the shit out of Buck. It's not like he hasn't earned it, he's teased a lot of other folks in his time. (Moo!)

--Heee!! JD fishing with Casey is just too cute! And so wholesome! And their little exaggeration game, is so cute!! And then pushing JD into the pond! Heee! Damn they really are as cute as puppies in a box!!

--But then they're too shy to kiss?? Sigh, perhaps Buck needs to step in again. Obviously they need some guidance.

--Don Pablo, or was it Don Paolo? I think I'm doomed. Whichever I decide my ears are hearing is going to be wrong. Sigh. I think I'll call him Don P. Woah, he's a thoroughly ruthless bastard isn't he. See now when Goon 2 sees him treat Goon 1 like that, Goon 2 should be smart enough to find a new employer. But Goons never are...sigh.

--Oh, hey, town's got a livery attendant (he seems a bit big to call a boy) now, did I hear "Tiny". Seems nice enough.

--So did Vin come back into town as well, or just Chris?

--Okay, obviously Chris is totally tripping my triggers tonight because just *yum*!!

--Rafael: "Do you feel like dying today?" Chris: "I feel like today's just as good as any other." Rafael: "Who knows what the day will bring."

--It's a little hard to take a man with a soul-patch seriously as a menace. Probably my bad. :D

--JD's buying Casey a frog-gigger? Heee!! (Though how red-necky is it that I recognized that as a frog-gigger before JD identified it?) I bet Casey'd like that a lot more than a bracelet. :D

--Mmm!! Josiah reading is near as hot as Chris reading is! And it sounds like he's reading Homer, and it sure as heck looks like he's reading the same book Chris was reading in Witness. Doesn't it? Or is that just me?

--Heee!! Now why is Josiah talking about battles of courtship laying waste to men's souls to JD? He's never been down on love before.

--Oh, yay!! Josiah's trying to encourage JD to come to him for advice as well.

--Inez: "You have a mouth, Senor." Buck: "So do you. Maybe they could get together sometime." Oh, Lord!! With lines like that how does Buck *ever* get laid!! I can only assume Inez's refusal has rattled him out of his normal approach.

--She looks as disbelieving of that horrible line as I feel.

--Oh, see and Buck's friendly manner has got another man assuming more of a connection between Buck and a lady. Like Morgan Coltrane in Safecracker.

--But shoot he's fine looking! I love those curls at the back of his neck!

--Oh, yeah, I *love* Buck!! Buck: "Oh, I'm just warming up. You touch that woman again and you're gonna see a real insult."

--Oh, yay!! I guess Vin did come into town with Chris, then!! Swoon!!

--Don P.: "Are you challenging me?" Inez: "No he isn't!" Buck: "Oh, I reckon I am?" So why is Inez rejecting the help that's offered to her? Does she feel like she can handle the situation on her own, or does she not want to get anyone else in danger.

--Hey, Vin just called Buck "Bucklin"!! Cool! I know I saw that on a sign in town though. Where'd Vin get it?

--Oh, yay, Vin!! "You ain't following the lady to her room."


--Oh, I love that Vin's talking her out of running. And he's right that with a man like Don P. you have to make a stand. And here in Four Corners she's got friends who will stand with her. But still.

--Love the hat touching!

--Apparently Vin is also tripping my triggers today!

--On the other hand I also love Chris talking some sense into Buck! Or trying to! Chris: "You know Buck, I've known you ten years, and every time you see a pretty woman your brain drops right below your belt." Heee!! And then while Buck quibbles about how long they've known each other, he doesn't argue with that assessment of his reaction to a pretty woman. :D


--Oh, yeah, I love Chris here. And I'm *really* really curious about his ethics here! "You're willing to take a man's life, put your own on the line, for your reputation." Huh! Buck could be mentioning that he was protecting Inez, who was obviously scared of Don P., but he's not. Why?

--Oh, Chris is really angry here. And I think he's worried for Buck. "Someone's going to get killed because you're not man enough to walk away." And I don't really think he cares all that much about Don P. That's so awesome!! I love this relationship between Chris and Buck!

--Ezra's taking bets on who's going to win?? Oh, Ezra! ::shakes head:: And he's only giving even odds?

--Nathan looks like he's about to hit Ezra for even suggesting it. :D And Ezra doesn't seem to quite get why. Poor Ez, you can take the boy out of the con game but you can't take the con artist out of the boy...

--How much do I love that they're actually called The Magnificent Seven (or Los Magnificos) by the people of the town?? ::squeaks::

--Okay, so apparently Don P. is the BabyDon and is out on a dick-swinging junket because his father's in control at home. At least that's the impression I'm getting from his conversation with Rafael.

--Oh, dear! JD's getting courtship advice from Josiah, which is not in itself a bad thing, except *none* of these guys know the slightest thing about courting Casey. "Horseride sublime under the waning afternoon sun" isn't going to fly with her. He'd do better to say "Wanna go on a horse ride? Race you to the pond!" Sigh!!

--Puppies in a box!!

--Why's JD so gleeful about the gunfight and "that Don getting dusted"? I suppose he's still young and green and hasn't gotten the awfulness of it yet. It's all still wonderful and romantic for him.

--OMG I *so* love Chris's assurance that Rafael's not going to shoot him in the back!! And him trying to reassure JD.

--Okay, I loved Chris sending JD out to get some air, and he was going to succeed in defusing the situation until Rafael just blew it by shooting JD's hat all up. That was a pretty aggressive move.

--Oh, I'm much in love with Mary talking about how wonderful all of the Seven are with Inez, and I definitely feel for Inez with her backstory. She was in a position of almost no power and struck back. ::hugs Inez:: (Anyone want to write me some Mary/Inez just so I can die of the hotprettyhotpretty? Please!!)

--What the hell is in that case that Rafael's carrying? I bet it's guns for the duel. No, it's *swords*?? Does Buck know anything about swords beyond "Don't grab the sharp end"?

--Apparently not. Buck: "What the hell are these?" Umm, swords, honey.

--Love the way Vin's nodding when Buck says "Around these parts a fight is a gunfight." And they've fixed his hat or something because it's not bugging me anymore. Yay!

--Snerk, Buck called Don P. "fancypants"!!

--Okay, I really liked that *all* of the others were telling Buck to concede, and Ezra said they'd find another way out of it. Why didn't Buck stand down when it was clear that there was going to be no loss of face or anything?

--Ezra's obviously upset, but from the way he's looking at the book in his hand and then throwing it on the ground, I'm thinking that some of his upset is because he's taken a whole bunch of bets at even odds that should have been *heavily* favoring Don P.

--Oh, dear! Buck practicing with the sword is *not* inspiring confidence.

--Buck emulating Ezra (who does appear to be at least competent) is *too* funny!! He makes fencing look like the gayest thing since Don P.'s pants. Heee!

--Okay, Nathan can fight with a sword?? Why? How? Don't care, love this scene!!

--Oh, well, I suppose actually that's a perfectly reasonable explanation for how he learned. ::hugs Nathan:: I can so *get* that Nathan doesn't like to think on his time as a slave, but it surprises me a little that he still uses his former master's last name. I'm surprised that he didn't change that.

--So why did JD invite Casey out for a ride if he's not going to talk to the girl. And look, she's got herself all cuted up for him, with her hair down and a sprigged shirt on.

--Oh, I love his oh so intent voice when he says "I like riding with you." Damn!!

--Oh, JD you're such a fool!

--So what is Inez is up to? Is she sucking up to him? Eeeww!! This is almost as icky as Evelyn the Librarian kissing the Mummy. And he's not even falling for it. Bastard.

--Oh, I love Vin stopping her from shooting Don P. and getting herself seriously vaporized by Rafael and Goon 2. He's just got the knack this episode of popping in just when he's needed doesn't he?

--What's he sending Goon 2 to do? I'm guessing get more reinforcements or something.

--Nathan: "Defense, Buck, you've got to keep him away and wear him down." Buck: "I've still got to stick him with it to win, don't I?"

--I don't think Buck has the right temperament for sword fighting. :D

--Oh, so very very fine!! And I love Chris digging at Rafael like that! And I really love that he definitely seems to sense a kindred spirit in Rafael somehow. Almost seems to like him, in a very wary, edging around each other way.

--Oh, Buck!! Such a sweetheart!! "If I let him take you, what kind of man does that make me?" And he's kind of sweaty and hair curly and shirt loose and mmmm!

--Oh, so Don P. brought in a ringer? And it sounds like he brought in some real low-lives. And he's *shocked* and appalled his most competent, if not his staunchest, supporter.

--Oh, interesting interesting!! They're having Buck having a nightmare about getting cut down by Col. Psycho's sword in the Pilot!! Poor Buck!!

--And he's going to Josiah for spiritual advice again! Love that love that love that!! Love both of them! Josiah: "God gives you fear because fear helps you fight."

--Yay!! Finally a really nice shot of Ezra! And he's apparently stopped taking bets on the fight. Or has he?

--Chris: "I know we don't always see things eye to eye, but I stand by you." Oh, that's just so...I love their friendship, it's so layered.

--Chris: "You ready?" Buck: [nods] "Not even close."

--So Vin and the others are going to be keeping an eye on the bad guys on the roofs and stuff, while Buck fights Don P. Okay, nods. At least they're all aware of the situation.

--Oh, I love Inez giving Buck a token for luck and Buck giving her his hat!

--Oh, and I love Inez being all feisty and saying she won't go off with Don P. even if Buck does lose! Nice!!

--And Nathan's advice is awesome, and just what Buck needs. Nate's a good teacher, because with one night to teach someone how to use a sword, hammering home defense is a smart strategy to keep them from getting killed.

--Why why why is Buck totally ignoring Nathan's advice!!?? Why?? ::wibble:: Crappy screencap, sorry!

--Though he's doing fairly creditably, I guess...hasn't died yet anyway.

--And, he's got Nathan pleased so he must be doing well. ::nods nods::

--Oh, oh, Buck!! ::whimper::

--Why is Don P. nibbling away at him rather than killing him?

--Oh, yay for Rafael shooting down Goon 2 rather than letting him shoot Buck!

--And then when all hell starts breaking loose the Seven are there in place!! Yay!! And even Casey's helping to disarm the bad guys!

--Love Chris calling out a warning!!

--And yay for Buck taking out Don P. when he went all skeevy and attacked Buck from the back!

--Heee!! I love Josiah coming around to the idea that JD needs to get Casey a frog-gigger. :D And durn JD's cute. Do we ever get to see Casey's reaction to the frog-gigger?

--I actually love Rafael inviting Chris to ride with him. They did seem to be very similar to one another and to feel that similarity. "Perhaps I will find six compadres of my own."


--Heee!! Then Chris shows off by shooting up JDs hat too!! Eee!

--Chris [to JD]: "You needed a new one anyway." Jesus becky that's a fine looking man!

--Eeee!! And then JD giving it the final death-shot! Eee!

--Heee!! Inez smooching Buck in the saloon when he can barely stand!!

All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that, eh?

All my episode notes, in all fandoms, are here.

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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