Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Sins of the Past"

Jun 08, 2007 21:57

Squeee!! Mag7 night!! ::bounces::

I've actually heard a little about this episode, just in the course of reading fanfic. And I've been looking forward to this one. :D

After-watching notes: OMG that was the most fantastically slashy episode (from a Chris/Vin perspective) and I am almost completely lost in my wanderings through the Chris/Vin happy place!! Just...glee!! Protective!Chris! Angry!Vin! Hurt!Vin! ::swoons and collapses::

The side plots with Ezra and his mum and Buck and his lady were both interesting, though I'm not sure what I think of Buck's initial response to Miss Lucy. Very human certainly, but...well, it just needs thinking through.

Can anyone give an estimate of how *long* this episode took? Either it's the longest day in the history of *ever* or it took *several* days. But it's really hard to tell.

spikedluv has posted quotes from both "The New Law" and "Sins of the Past" over at her LJ. Click here to go read them. She always gets the very best moments, so don't miss them!

There are over 100 screencaps here. If you have trouble downloading them, please let me know and I might have a solution for you.

Notes on watching Sins of the Past:

--So yay! Ez bought his saloon! That's excellent. And he's now hitting up Nathan for an investment in his saloon?? Heee!! That's pretty funny! Nathan seems pretty amused by the idea as well. :D And JD's being a sucker easy mark again. :D

--Ezra: "What does everyone in this town want to do? What does every visitor here want to do?" Nathan: "Leave?" Heeeeee!!

--So wait the owner of the saloon just lost the deed to Maude...but Ezra just put down a down payment on the saloon? So does Maude own it now or Ezra? Oh, I see, she won the hotel!

--And once again, Ezra's not looking all that excited to see his mom here is he. (On the other hand, I'm really quite enjoying this ensemble he's wearing, that plum colored coat looks *good* on him.

--Well, Vin's looking mighty relaxed and cheerful whistling as he walks along with his gunbelt over his shoulder. That's sweet!

--OMG the galaxy has stopped turning! Vin got himself a new pair of pants. And they don't look nearly as soft (or buckskin like) as the old ones. ::pouts::

--Oook!! Vin's getting jumped by bad guys!! Oh, yay and Chris is right there to help him out!! Squee! Damn I wish I oculd get decent screencaps from the fight scenes, because they're so...yummy.

--Love Chris with his gun, and drawing and whirling around so fast. Nice!

--But Vin, since he'd already dropped his mare's leg into the, what is that, a wagon?, seems kind of at loose ends because he doesn't have a gun to draw. ::hugs Vin::

--Poor Vin seems *so* confused by these guys.

--Oh, love love Vin looking to Chris when Yates puts him under arrest for murder. But still ::wibble::!!

--Oooh, and look how unhappy Chris looks at the way they're manhandling him!! ::swoons::

--Oh, that's got to have so *totally* sucked for Chris having to let them take Vin away like that, but unless he wants to wind out firmly on the wrong side of the law himself there's just absolutely *nothing* he can do. ::hugs both of them::

--Yay!! Happy credits!

--Well, I must say it's very very cool of Mary to be arguing so hard to defend Vin to the Marshal here! That's fantastic!

--OMG and I love that Chris was *obviously* sitting here waiting for Yates to come out so he could talk to him. Oh, yeah!!

--So wait Yates is familiar with Vin's case, but not with Eli Joe's? Should I be finding that rather squirrely? And why does Eli Joe have (if I'm remembering right from the pilot) less of a bounty on his head than Vin does? I mean Vin's accused of killing one man, Eli Joe of killing two *families*. Huh.

--Oh, Chris!

--Is Maude planning on staying in town to manage her hotel? Oy!

--Ezra really *doesn't* look very pleased to see her here. Obviously he's got some seriously conflicted feelings about her.

--Josiah is a bit of a fool for a pretty blonde isn't he? :D

--Yeah, that plum's *very* nice on Ezra. Yep yep!!

--And I think he's all kinds of wise to be uneasy about both of them having businesses on the same street. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

--Oh that's just *not a happy picture! I *don't* like seeing Vin in jail at all! ::chin quiver::

--Chris has got that really bad zombie look about him again, too. ::swoons in a faint:: OMG that's just so *telling* to me.

--Poor Vin's stalking around ranting at his stupidity. I can see that he would feel that way.

--SO according to Chris Vin's had this bounty on his head for years. That's kind of not the impression I got from the Pilot. But okay. So does this mean that Vin'd basically been on the hunt for Eli Joe for *years*, trying to clear his name, before stopping in Four Corners?

--Oh, this is such a wonderful slashy-happy place episode so far!! Vin: "You know me, Chris, I ain't afraid of dyin'. I just don't want to go out like that, strung up like some mangy dog." Chris: "I won't let that happen." ::swoons again::

--Oh, God, then how much do I love that Vin's telling Chris not to mess with the Federal Marshal. Eeee!! Oh, man, how awesome is it that his worry so suddenly switched over from himself to Chris. ::melts into a puddle::

--So, wait, Ezra's planning on a rescue of Vin but on the other hand is not letting Vin's arrest harsh his squee at all. Hmm, kind of a wash for the V/E folks there. :D

--So Nathan's back to wondering what Ezra knows about running a saloon, which is pretty cool. And the same question he raised earlier. (I quite like that checked shirt on him, but this may very well be the first time we've seen him without a jacket on.)

--Oh, dear, don't tell me this Lucy girl's going to claim that Buck's the father of her baby?? Oh, MY!! Well, he's totally *not* seeing the coming storm is he.

--And a nicely done spit-take. :D

--Poor Buck! Poor Buck!! Just about nearly hysterical here! Look at his hand shake. :D

--So I presume he has some reason for *knowing* he's not the father of Miss Lucy's baby? Yes?

--Oh, gosh, oh, gosh!! I *love* Chris defending Vin! ::swoon::

--Ooooo!! OMG that so....mmmmm!!

--So they've got the cell door open, but with all three of them there, Vin doesn't have all that much of a chance of getting away, does he? Okay, it's not the cell door, it's the outer door. That makes more sense.

--Oh, I love how *carefully* Vin's watching everything! Noting all the details of weapons and what the folks are doing, where their attention is. Nice!

--Oh, ouch, then they stopped him before he could get away. ::whimper:: ::chin quiver::

--So Maude's definitely bringing gambling into her hotel. Poor Ezra.

--It's a pretty smile, yes indeedy!

--So any faint glimmer of sympathy I might have picked up for Maude is fading fast, because she and Ezra *did* have an agreement, which she's blatantly ignoring.

--As always love the hats and the hat tipping and brim-touching and all of that. So wonderful!

--Oh, I don't like Vin handcuffed on his horse at *all*!

--Apparently Buck doesn't like it much either. But he's got his own problems.

--Josiah either.

--Oh, *man*, they're all just having to *watch* as Vin gets taken away. ::chin quiver::

--So Chris is getting ready to ride, presumably he's going to do *something*, presumably something within the law, to free Vin. ::wibble:: Yes??

--Oh, I really really love JD stepping up to stop them from taking Vin. That's *so* JD. I also love Vin warning him off from doing it. But JD really does just lead with his heart and not his head. It's not usually strategically good, but it is very caring and very brave.

--Don't so much love JD saying he can handle it, because, no, kid, you can't. But....

--And yay for Josiah saving JD from himself. And for grabbing Vin's mare's leg off the back of Yates's saddle!

--You know JD might be easier to handle sometimes if they'd let him in on things. Obviously everyone *else* knows that Chris is planning on riding after them, and only one man is going for *very* sound reasons. But no one bothered to tell JD.

--Oh, yeah, I Love Josiah giving Vin's gun to Chris!! Nice!

--Love the countryside!

--Why are they blindfolding Vin? What does that accomplish for them, he's already handcuffed, there's not much he can do even if he can see. I've got the slightest glimmer of a suspicion about this Yates and his crew.

--I was wondering how Ezra could afford to sell his drinks at two for the price of one. How *can* Maude afford to sell them for four cents?? I guess she's counting on having deeper pockets than Ezra, so she can run the loss leader longer. Ez is *way* outmatched here. Poor thing!

--Did Ezra introduce that skunk into Maude's place? :D Apparently so. :D

--Maude turned Ezra's bartender against him? Oy! Eee!! Love Ezra jumping over the bar to get the guy. :D

--Poor Buck!! "You haven't seen me."

--Oh, I love that Chris is paralleling them and watching over Vin! ::swoons::

--Oh, hey, this is a *different* serape than the one Josiah gave him in One Day Out West, which means that Chris, on his own, liked the look and increased his store of them. Nice!!

--Am I supposed to recognize this bit of countryside? Because it sure looks like the same hill Chris and Vin were watching Morgan and Terry and Buck from in Safecracker. Which means they're on the way to Purgatorio. I'm probably not supposed to recognize this.

--JD's at the hotel rather than at Ezra's saloon?? Didn't he invest money in the saloon? Turncoat! Well Ezra just called him Judas...

--Nathan's there too?? Oh, now that is a cruel blow, because JD's a bit of a doofus, but Nathan tends to think things through a little better than that. Oh, and Josiah too? Ouch!! That's really harsh for poor Ezra.

--Aw, Buck looks so cute and contented in the tub. Pity Miss Lucy's going to come along and mess it up for him!

--Oh, my, oh, my!!! All kinds of nekkid Buck!! Wet, nekkid Buck! Yummy!

--I'm still cheerful in my confidence that Buck has some reason for *knowing* that he's not the father of Miss Lucy's child, rather than just denial. If he doesn't have that *knowledge* based on something, then he's leaving Miss Lucy to be in a *very* tough spot on her own. And acting like a jerk toward a woman is just not Buck's way at all.

--Then going out on the street in just a towel??! Oh Buck!

--Now, why are they turning off the road? Looks like Chris is wondering too. Even blindfolded, Vin's figured out that they're not heading toward Texas.

--Ezra's having to barkeep for himself? Poor guy! Ezra: "I was not made for honest labor."

--FOr some reason, I find Ezra prettiest when he's looking kind of gobsmacked. :D

--Who is this girl who's offering to come in and work with Ezra on the saloon? (Aside from being hot as blue blazes.)

--Okay, the smirk's fairly pretty as well. :D

--Oh, this is the Inez I've read about. Cool!! So that means I get to see her around. Yay!! Now we've got seven gorgeous men and three gorgeous women on this show!! ::squeal::

--I was right to distrust Yates!! Yay!! Go me! (And nicely done subtle hinting on their parts!)

--Eli Joe's not very prepossessing is he?

--I still really *miss* Vin's old hat!! I've come to terms with the new coat, but this hat doesn't hold a candle to the old one. For one thing, the proportions are wrong now, the crown's too high for that narrow a brim.

--OMGOMGOMG!! They're going to lynch Vin?? ::wibble and chin quiver::

--Okay, so apparently Vin *didn't* spend the years since he got the bounty looking for Eli Joe, because Eli Joe says that the murder got Vin off his trail. ::scratch eyebrow:: So what *was* Vin doing in those years?

--Meeep!! Does Vin know that Chris is looking out for him?? Or does he think he's going to die alone here? ::chin quiver::

--He certainly responded plenty quickly when Chris started shooting. So maybe he did know. OH, yay, apparently he did know. Awesome!

--Love Chris tossing Vin his gun!! Yay!!


--Oh, dear!! Ezra's snapped and is hallucinating patrons isn't he??

--So Ezra's basically trying to go straight in purchasing this saloon. "Never run a deal on your own money" is rule number one...so he didn't think of this as a "deal" he thought of this as ... what... and investment in his future maybe. And Maude really has *totally* lost me at this point.

--Yay for Ezra standing up to her, though I don't know if he'll stick to his guns any better than he did in Witness. "What effort have you ever exerted that wasn't entirely self-serving?"

--That does seem to have moved her a little bit though, doesn't it?

--Wait, so Maude's going to hire Inez out from under Ezra too?? Please no, I like Inez!

--Oh, Buck's so cute all asleep in his underwear

--Oh, that's got to have been disconcerting, going from dreaming about having a little girl to being woken by a prostitute. Poor Buck!

--So I get the feeling he's coming around about Miss Lucy here. Maybe he doesn't have reason to be certain he's not the father. Oook!

--Yay! I love that it's canon that they go to Josiah for spiritual advice!

--Oh, Buck's such a cutie!! (Did they change his hat too, BTW?)

--Mmmmm!! So pretty!

--Oh!! Here's where he find out that Vin lived with Kiowas and Comanches! Cool!! ::bounces:: I did some research on them when I was on vacation, but right now my brain cells are somewhat fried by the overwhelming pretty and squee. I'll pull it out for the discussion. But anything anyone knows about them is *very* welcome!

--Oh, I love that look from Chris!

--Yay and yay and yay!! Love them all riding out to help Chris and Vin!! ::swoon::

--Oh, how much do I wish that we could see them better in this pic because they're *so* very very close together and that's just *so* tasty!!

--Yay for them all being so hot and wonderful!! Knife throwing, shooting guns out of hands, jumping folks off horses. And that looks like Vin with his lasso again!! OoooO!

--Oh, damn it!! They substituted Yates for Eli Joe!! Fuck! That sucks something *awful*!

--Chillingly angry Vin!! "I got no problem killing you."

--Eli Joe's staying at Maude's hotel?

--So Vin's wagon is just out on Main Street? Hmmm, I'm a little surprised about that. But this is a rather nice view of it for research purposes. :D

--Oh, yay!! They're *all* going after Eli Joe!!

--Damn that's a fine looking man!

--Oh, damn!! Nathan didn't lose that ugly jacket after all. Just check that out, red and white check shirt, grey tweed vest, blue and yellow plaid jacket. I think my color-blind theory's getting evidence here.

--Wait, wait wait!! Vin's turning down their help?? Oooooook! Why doesn't he want at least Chris to ride with him? He did before!! ::chin quiver::

--Oh, damn!! That's such a nice shot of Chris!!

--Yay!! Vin's accepting their help!!

--And another pretty shot of Chris! Love that smile!

--Oh, that would be a damned near perfect shot if it weren't for the boxes of bullets (two of them! He is preparing for a battle) blocking his face.

--Buck's giving himself 20 minutes to get to know Miss Lucy? Hee!! But he's damned cute anyway!

--Ah, and he picked flowers for her!! Such a sweetie!

--Oh, hey!! Who's this dude she's with?? Oh, poor Buck, just when he's gotten attached to the idea of getting to know her.

--Lucy: "Buck, honey." Buck: "I think you can drop the honey."

--Vin's sure got a lot of stuff in and around that wagon. Is it all his or what? Where did it come from?

--Okay, I realize this is a very bad guy lining up to shoot Vin, gorgeous Vin, but this is a very beautiful camera-shot!

--So are none of the seven even considering that Eli Joe's hunting Vin and that he hasn't ridden away? Apparently not. But certainly from what he said to Vin at the attempted lynching, I'd have gotten the thought that he wasn't going to go away lightly.

--Eli Joe: "So long, bloodhound." Apparently Vin was a good bounty hunter. Yay!

--Oooo!! Such a fine looking man!

--Don't like Vin in Eli Joe's sights! Don't like that at all!

--Something's making Chris suspicious? What?? Did he hear the rifle cocking maybe?

--Oh, and I love love love him shouting for Vin!! ::swoon::

--I wonder if Ezra's going to think later to take a certain amount of satisfaction in shooting up Maude's hotel. :D

--Another gorgeous shot!

--Oh, I love Vin running out and telling them to hold their fire and not kill him! ::hugs Vin! "Take him alive."

--Apparently, yes, Ezra is taking some satisfaction in shooting up Maude's hotel. :D

--Oh, poor Vin!! Oh! Damn!! Oh! ::cries, a lot::

--I'm not sure there's anything Chris could have done differently, not and keep Eli Joe from killing Vin. ::hugs both of them::

--Oh, I'm so glad that Vin's not mad at Chris. Vin: "You did what you had to. I can't clear my name if I'm dead."

--Oh, what a Bitch!! Maude bought Ezra's saloon?? That's *horrible*! And she's justified to herself that she did it for him?? I'm about as stunned as Ezra is!

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Except, please don't hotlink, because that's not nice.

All my episode notes, in all fandoms, are here.

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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