Autosummarize Meme

May 15, 2007 09:06

I've seen this everywhere around LJ, but I needed to get help from janedavitt and sallymn to actually do it. (Word 2007 no longer has the autosummarize feature, as far as I can tell, and they kindly did it for me.)

The gist of this is to run a story through Word's autosummarize function, to make a drabble-ized version of your story. (For those who have Word-Not-2007, it's on the tools menu and you can set the word length it summarizes to. These are 100 words.)

So thanks to janedavitt, I give you Making Contact

Making Contact

Not Blair at all.
The Blair-feeling was different the second time--a warm honey rose soft drum-beat. "Thanks, man." The snare drum Blair-feeling rolled faster and louder. Everything aside from Blair faded away.
I looked to Sandburg's bedroom. Damn.
Damn. Damn.
Apparently, Sandburg did too. I handed him the noodles. "Yeah? "Yeah, man, yeah. God. God. Fuck. Reeling from wanting Blair, Sandburg. God. "Jesus, Blair, I'm sorry. "I wanted you so fucking badly, Blair. "Yeah. "Get in the truck, Sandburg. "I'm thinking actual physical contact next time.

And thanks to sallymn I have Tracker


Chris shook his head. Vin asked. Vin nodded. Chris shook his head.

Chris shook his head. Vin looked away. Chris nodded. Chris shook his head. Chris shook his head. Chris nodded. Chris nodded. Make it Chris."

Chris nodded. "Where's Vin? Chris nodded.

Nathan turned to Chris. Chris shook his head. Vin nodded. Chris dismounted. Chris sat down next to Vin. Chris smiled himself. Chris wasn't surprised by Vin's words. Vin chuckled. Chris nodded, somber. Chris asked.

Chris said, laughing.

Vin smiled, but looked at Chris appraisingly.

Vin laughed. Vin asked.

Chris smiled. Chris asked. Chris nodded.

I'm almost embarrassed to post these, and the Tracker one might have stunned my muses into silence for a while, but OMG are they funny!!

writing, memes

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