Episode Notes: due South "Victoria's Secret, part 2"

Apr 22, 2007 13:26

Okay ::whimper:: deep breath. Mounties In Pain, aka. Victoria's Secret, continues and goes into the second, and really altogether worse part ( Read more... )

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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1 of 2 (aka, Oops, someone got talky again *g*) spikedluv April 22 2007, 20:00:29 UTC
~This episode, even more than the last, just tore my heart out. The last ep was painful to watch because it felt like Fraser was being duped, not only by Victoria, but by himself, but this ep, oh, man, seeing the fallout from Victoria’s machinations made me hurt so badly for both Fraser and Ray, as well as all their friends.

~At the beginning, when Victoria is making it clear that she shot Jolly in self-defense only in the very broadest interpretation of self-defense, rejecting all of Fraser’s suggestions of seeking help within the law, pushing him to a place where he would be forced to break the law himself if he helped her, made me so angry with her.

~Fraser’s claim that, I know who she is, when he’s speaking with Bob in the break room made me think, how scary if that’s true. And how horrible if he’s so insistent on being there for Victoria, a woman who doesn’t deserve it, because his father wasn’t there for his mother, and he won’t make that mistake, even if in the process of not making that one he makes others which are worse. To know that the woman you profess to love is a lying, manipulative, murderer who has burned down your home, framed you for a crime you didn’t commit, shot your companion, and to still love her, to still think she deserves everything in my power to help you... It boggles my mind that Fraser, who claims he’s not blind to her faults, still thinks he owes her anything.

~How much did I love Welsh getting Ray an attorney? So much! And Welsh, along with Huey and Gardino doing everything they can to prove that Ray (and by extension, Fraser) were innocent? ♥♥♥♥♥

~The expression on Ray’s face when they were arresting Fraser made my heart ache so much for him. It looked like he was ready to start crying. And the fact that he would put his house up for collateral on bail for Fraser just says so much about Ray’s feelings for Fraser.

~I loved how Fraser raced over to Ray’s house and searched for the key (so dramatic!); and that he called Ray for backup at the train station.

~Ray’s face, when he realized that he’d shot Fraser? Oh, man. And lying about Fraser’s last words. And Fraser reciting poetry with the snow coming down? *sniffle*

~Okay, they're both still thinking that he let her down when he arrested her for a crime of which they both know she was guilty. Sigh!! That just pisses me off.

Arrgh! So much! And at the end, when Fraser says, I should have let you go. I was like, WTF?!!! Why?!! You’ve got to know, if she was innocent (Jolly forced her to do it, as she claimed) and in no way responsible for, not only the robbery, but the death of the guard, and with her lying and manipulation abilities being as well-honed as they are, then she could have presented a picture at her trial that the jury would have been falling all over themselves to acquit!

It’s just so very hard to equate the Fraser who rags on Ray about traffic laws and don’t we need a warrant with the Fraser who thinks, even for a moment, that he should have let Victoria go.

~I agree that it’s stretching credulity to believe that there’s not a single stray hair left in Fraser’s apartment. And I was also thinking that there had to be more than two fingerprints, leaving aside the fact that they happened to find only two fingerprints and they were from two different people. You’re right, she’s been in that apartment since she wiped it down, unless she wipes it down periodically, and we’re not shown that, but still, as you say, vaginal secretions, if nothing else. Swab Fraser’s dick!! *g*

~Ahhh, I see Fraser’s name tag again! As much as I adore the Brown Uniform, I didn’t have much time to actually appreciate it during this ep.

~Even though he's got to know how implausible that sounds.

And yet, we all know it’s true, which is the kicker.


Re: 1 of 2 (aka, Oops, someone got talky again *g*) sara_merry99 April 23 2007, 02:31:17 UTC
~This episode, even more than the last, just tore my heart out. The last ep was painful to watch because it felt like Fraser was being duped, not only by Victoria, but by himself, but this ep, oh, man, seeing the fallout from Victoria’s machinations made me hurt so badly for both Fraser and Ray, as well as all their friends.

So much yes!! This was just agonizing on *so* many levels. The only thing this one had to keep it from being just beyond excruciating was that the strains between Fraser and Ray that came up in the last episode have been forgiven, so at least their friendship is solid all the way through. Thank God for small favors!

To know that the woman you profess to love is a lying, manipulative, murderer who has burned down your home, framed you for a crime you didn’t commit, shot your companion, and to still love her, to still think she deserves everything in my power to help you...

Oh, that is...OMG. I was just assuming that Fraser was *wrong*, that he didn't know Victoria and was saying he did and being a fool. If he really *did* know her, every evil thing about her, and still love her and want to help her...that's *so* tragic. ::cries:: ::hugs Fraser:: In a way that makes this episode a little better for me though, in a strange way.

~How much did I love Welsh getting Ray an attorney? So much! And Welsh, along with Huey and Gardino doing everything they can to prove that Ray (and by extension, Fraser) were innocent? ♥♥♥♥♥

Oh, yes!! Yes yes yes!! I adored Welsh in this episode, just adored him. And Huey and Gardino were really just terrifically cool and I loved all of them.

~The expression on Ray’s face when they were arresting Fraser made my heart ache so much for him. It looked like he was ready to start crying. And the fact that he would put his house up for collateral on bail for Fraser just says so much about Ray’s feelings for Fraser.

And to have done all that for Fraser and still had him run off after the bitch. God, poor Ray!! He's got to feel *so* betrayed!!

And rightly so!

And yet even after that he's still protecting Fraser by lying about his last words and all of that. Just so devoted is Ray. Such a good friend, so caring. Just wonderful!

It’s just so very hard to equate the Fraser who rags on Ray about traffic laws and don’t we need a warrant with the Fraser who thinks, even for a moment, that he should have let Victoria go.

Yes!! Exactly!! He's either somehow out of character, or out of the only character we've ever seen for him, which is all we have to go on, or he's being an idiot. Either way I don't like it.

~I agree that it’s stretching credulity to believe that there’s not a single stray hair left in Fraser’s apartment.

Exactly. It's such gorgeous, wonderful hair. How did she keep a stray one from going under the bed or something?

Swab Fraser’s dick!! *g*

::hands up:: I volunteer for that job!! :D

~Ahhh, I see Fraser’s name tag again! As much as I adore the Brown Uniform, I didn’t have much time to actually appreciate it during this ep.

Yeah, he was wearing it, and even the Uniform Sans Coat, with the suspenders over the brown shirt, which makes me all wibbly, and I couldn't properly appreciate it. Another thing to dislike this episode for. :D

And yet, we all know it’s true, which is the kicker.

Absolutely. Bitch!


Re: 1 of 2 (aka, Oops, someone got talky again *g*) spikedluv April 23 2007, 18:31:17 UTC
If he really *did* know her, every evil thing about her, and still love her and want to help her...that's *so* tragic.

I know! After I finished taking down the quote for the entire scene between Fraser and Bob I made a note that basically said, how scary is that, if that's true? Because, yes, Fraser knowing who and what she is, and still standing by her sort of makes my skin crawl because she has never done anything to deserve his support, and has in fact done everything to make him withdraw it. But I'm glad it made the ep better for you. *g*

::hands up:: I volunteer for that job!! :D

Hahahahaha! Can't you just imagine the scene where Fraser takes Ray aside and says, "Uh, Ray, there might be a way to prove that Victoria is still alive." and then proceeds, with lots of head tilts and eyebrow swipes and lip-licking, to tell Ray that there might in fact be some of Victoria's DNA...down there. *bg*


Re: 1 of 2 (aka, Oops, someone got talky again *g*) sara_merry99 April 23 2007, 18:57:15 UTC
Because, yes, Fraser knowing who and what she is, and still standing by her sort of makes my skin crawl because she has never done anything to deserve his support, and has in fact done everything to make him withdraw it. But I'm glad it made the ep better for you. *g*

Better in a skin-crawly sort of way. Better in that I can almost sort of understand Fraser then, better than I can understand him being a fool, you know?

Can't you just imagine the scene where Fraser takes Ray aside and says, "Uh, Ray, there might be a way to prove that Victoria is still alive." and then proceeds, with lots of head tilts and eyebrow swipes and lip-licking, to tell Ray that there might in fact be some of Victoria's DNA...down there. *bg*

Oh, poor Fraser. I can almost picture it. Though of course it was a day or so later that it became an issue, so he would have bathed by then. Darn it!


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