Episode Notes: due South "Hawk & Handsaw"

Feb 18, 2007 17:26

I've seen this episode before, but I didn't remember it as being perfectly wonderful! Maybe because I was watching it with the hubby and he didn't like Fraser undercover (as himself) in the asylum. (I also, as you'll see, didn't remember most of the details.)

I don't know what was wrong with me before, but I sure as hell loved this episode this time!! I *adore* the way Fraser dealt with the patients at the asylum. Loved Ray being all snarky with him. Loved almost all of the secondary characters (who weren't bad guys). Just *wonderful*!!

spikedluv has a collection of quotes from Hawk & Handsaw over at her LJ. Go check them out, because this episode had some really scrumptious dialogue and she caught it so well.

Notes on watching Hawk and Handsaw

--Ray is so cute being all nervous about his psych review. ;) Ray: "Now I go in there unprepared and they say 'brother' and I say 'naked', I'm gonna be explaining myself away for the next two weeks." Heeee!!

--Oh, Ray's so cute. Obviously, he's got family issues. :) I didn't realize Ray had a brother though. I've only ever heard of Maria and Frannie. Does his brother ever show up in any episodes or anything?

--And seriously, how much do I love that Ray, freaked out about his psych evaluation, has taken Fraser along for moral support?

--Love Fraser going to help the John Doe jumper. And being so calm about it. And leaning against the wall in his leather coat and jeans. Mmmm!!

--Fraser: "The red uniform is really mostly for special occasions. Though they seem to insist that I wear mine more than..."

--So cute!!

--Oh, I *love* Fraser grabbing this guy and holding onto the pipe and everything about this!! Heck, he's even lying in order to save this guy and himself.

--Oh pretty!

--Oh, God, and I love that Fraser's going to find this Ty guy to help the jumper.

--This bus driver's so cool! He let Walter ride for free. That's *very* kind. And even though walter took a swing at him, he wouldn't called mental health services if he'd thought they'd lock him up. So nice!

--Ray: "Why are you doing this to me, Fraser?" Fraser: "I told him I'd help." Ray: "You tell that to everyone." :D

--Oh, man, I'm extremely pleased at how much we're getting of Fraser in civvies today!! And Ray in the topcoat and scarf and I'm just *very* happy.

--Ray: "There's a guy on my corner who asks me every morning if I've seen God. Do you really think he expects me to point him out?" Fraser: "Well if you did, Ray, perhaps he'd stop asking." And then Ray's thinking about that answer. :) Heee! I'm *so* in love with both of these guys!

--Poor Ray is so resigned to a fruitless afternoon of asking bus drivers for a ride to Mike's House. And then he seems so *disgruntled* that one of them is actually able to do it.

--What is this about Ray and male figure skaters?? That's so bizarre!!

--Fraser: "Do you know where Mike is?" Bus Driver: "I think he was killed in the 14th century." Ray: "Oh, great, so at least we've got a murder investigation on our hands."

--Heee! St. Michael's Halfway House. Mike's House. Nice. I figured it was something like that.

--Oh, so Ty killed himself and the jumper's his brother Walter? Poor Walter!

--Where's Fraser going?


--Fraser: "You know, the Inuit have sixty words to describe snow, Ray. One third of them have to do with the color." Ray: "Eskimos don't have a lot to do in the winter, huh?"

--And Fraser's sniffing stuff again. Poor Ray!!

--So Walter did see someone jump off the ledge. Ah!

--Fraser: "Delusional people don't simply make things up." Ray: "Yes, they do. That's the unique quality that makes them delusional."

--Ray's right about this body showing up in the river being a total concidence and not proving *anything* about there having been a jumper at the mental hospital. But it is a delightful coincidence. spikedluv got the dialogue in this scene and you *need* to go here to read it.

--Welsh is here? Must be important.

--Tai Babylonia!! Heeee!! I so remember her figure skating! Hee! And Welsh brought her up too.

--So when did Fraser change into his brown uniform?? Not that I object. The brown uni is almost as tasty as the jeans and leather coat. Is it the next day?? I guess that's it.

--I guess Fraser's talking to the divers who pulled the body out of the river.

--Ray: "Come on, there's no law against lying to Canadians. I'd owe you one." Heee!! Oh, Ray!!

--So do we see this coroner again? She's fun. (And yet another woman who bends over backwards for Fraser. :) ) About which Ray is *not* happy!

--So is it Diefenbaker who's manipulating the Ice Maiden for a lift home, or Fraser?? Hmmm!!

--Esther Pearson?? Here's another name I should recognise, I'm guessing. Someone who's world famous in Canada.

--Oh, dear. Haven't they learned that Fraser's no good at undercover work?? I can't believe Ray's letting him do this.

--Oh, heeee!! He's just totally telling the truth and it sounds *nuts*. "It's a rather long story, takes exactly two hours to tell." (Well, excepting for commercial breaks. :D)

--He's *so* trying to get himself admitted, because of course the consulate, and Ray, will corroborate his story. But he just mentions his wolf. Heee!!

--Oh, I love that he's preferring not to say his name. :) Doesn't want this accidentally made official, I guess. Good thinking!

--This doctor is totally setting off my alarm bells. And boy oh boy is he guiding Walter into saying what he wants him to say..

--Okay, 45 people helped and 5 people committing suicide and this Mad Scientist lady thinks it's *good*?? Okay, so she's a monster. Absolutely a monster. This is the kind of clinical trial that doctors shut down early because of catastrophic effects.

--How does she plan to reduce the risk factors to "acceptable" levels? Any change they made to the formula would require more testing.

--Oh, so I'm seeing Fraser as their replacement John Doe. But Fraser's not manic-depressive, so he doesn't have the symptoms that the drug's designed to treat, does he? Which means this trial's *beyond* crap. But then I guess we knew that.

--So cute in his hat!! But do they really keep all of the patients in jammies and bathrobes all the time?

--This cranky old guy who sleeps with his feet on the ground is *great*!! (He bears a distinct resemblance in form and voice to the homeless lady Celeste in Free Willie. Same actor maybe?)

--"I don't know what I know."

--Oh, I love how he's seeming so mild but catching just *everything*!!

--So when does Fraser spit out his pill?

--Ray: "Your friend the Ice Maiden finally served up an autopsy report on the John Doe by the river." Fraser: "Cause of death?" Ray: "He was struck by a blunt object. Probably a sidewalk."

--Okay, so if this is a registered drug trial the FDA should have some record of the drug formula. And I got the impression from the Mad Scientist's ravings that this was an official trial. Maybe not.

--Ah, there's the pill making it's reappearance. He needs to be more careful though. In two and a half hours he probably actually got *some* of it into his system.

--Oh, I love them sitting togther like this! Sighing together!

--Didn't Ray rent Rin-Tin-Tin for Dief when Fraser was injured in "Manhunt"? And now they're watching it at the psych ward. I wonder if TPTB were Rin-Tin-Tin fans. :)

--Oh, so pretty!

--Love that the crazy guy is scared because Fraser actually *believes* him. :D

--Oh, *this* is the episode that "Akua Tuta" by Kashtin is from. Coolest!! I love this song!

--Heee!! I love the assembled collection of patients that are trying to show Fraser to the blue room! :D

--I love that the nurse isn't concerned about them all trooping around. :) I like her.

--I think I'm getting a little fond of these jammies and robe on Fraser. They seem so *thin*, like he's a little less *armored* than he normally is in his wool and leather and suspenders. Maybe I'm just being fanciful.

--Oh, and Fraser's doing his wonderful *Fraser* thing here and helping Walter see things differently.

--How young was Fraser when his mum died?

--Oh, I love this story about his father's beard and his dad getting thinner. And Bob stopping living. God. So wonderful!! Beautiful acting from both of them, really. And just makes me want to hug both Fraser and Bob!

--Man, I just realized--we see all these scenes of Fraser doing the verbal whammy on people. Using narrative (Inuit stories and stories from his own life) to give people another way of looking at their lives. And then he walks away, or they walk away, because, as he's observed, you can't solve people's problems for them. And you know sometimes he sees the resolution. He saw Vinnie saving the Michelin Baby in ACAMAAB. He saw the effect his caribou story had on Charlie in Dief's Day Off. But you've got to know that there are times that he never knows what happened. And he's always got to wonder if he did it right--if he could have chosen a different story, a better story. If a different approach would have worked better. And I bet sometimes the stories are like slow acting drugs and take *years* to work. And he just never knows all the good that he does, or doesn't do. ::hugs Fraser::

--Holy hannah!!

--I wish Fraser and Ray had been more suspicious about the fact that the visiting room was being painted and they're having to meet in a different room.

--Love that Fraser figured it out eventually. I just wish it had been sooner!

--Heeee!! Love Fraser being calm in the straight jacket and Ray *freaking* out!!

--This doctor is *extremely* morally squishy. He can rationalise covering up suicides, but not murder? Oh, I bet the Mad Scientist will talk him around to it. He's spineless. She's so right that "The appropriate time for you to fight a battle with your conscience has long since passed."

--Heeee!! I love Fraser having *sharpened* the buckle on his Stetson.

--Heee!! Ray as fulcrum. :D

--Oh, Fraser's just the awesomest, because he's right that there'd be no evidence left to sieze if they waited for a warrant. So he's not waiting. Rule-bound, my ass!

--And now that watching from earlier pays off, because he's reconstructing the password!

--I love the guy with the compass! And all of the crazies really.

--Ooooh! It's that awesome nurse!!

--Man, the wormy doctor isn't much less of a monster than the Mad Scientist. Threatening Walter with having to stay for holding to the truth. Basically he's manipulating the madness of his patients for his own benefit. Bastard!

--Yay!! Walter!!

--Oooh!! How does Fraser manage to look so fucking hot, sexy, and dominant in white pajamas?? Doesn't screencap well, so I'll only make one cap of blurry Fraser in white.

--Yay!! It's the shuffling guy holding down the Mad Scientist!! Eeee!!

--Ray: "Am I wearing a funny hat? Do I look like a Mountie? Jump. What do I care?"

--But of course he does care. And he's hollering for Fraser!! Eeeee!!

--Eeeee!! Fraser busting through the window and stopping the wormy doctor from jumping!! Eeeee!!

--Fraser: "Ray, you want to give me a-a-a hand here?"

--Man, this priest's good. All he has to do is look at Ray to get him to donate. :)

--Oh, I'm so glad to see Walter clean shaven and finally *grieving* for his brother. Now he's really sane.

--Every time I think I couldn't love this show more, I just *do*!! Eeee!

--I leave you all to sit here in the slashy happy place, imagining what happens next. Fraser's going to need all sorts of nice care and comfort from Ray. He's *undoubtedly* got lacerations from the glass and wood on his stomach and arms. His shoulder's going to hurt from supporting the wormy doctor's weight on the same arm where he dislocated his shoulder. So they need to go back to his apartment where Ray can make him tea and break out the first aid kit and patch him up. Maybe spend the night watching over him. Mmmmmmm! Y'all have a good week, I'm going to hang here for a while!

All screencaps are my own. Please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises
Chicago Holiday, part 1
Chicago Holiday, part 2
A Cop, A Mountie and A Baby
The Gift of the Wheel Man
You Must Remember This

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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