Episode Notes: Sentinel "Black Or White"

Feb 08, 2007 21:08

Okay, obfuscation, church burnings (*very* mid-90s), and lots of Joel Taggart. Cool ( Read more... )

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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So much pretty... starshine24mc February 9 2007, 15:01:26 UTC
You caught some of my very obvious squee moments--Jim in Kevlar, the H conversation, both Sullivan exchanges, Jim calling the psycho "boy" (I think I soiled the couch on that one *L*.

There ought to be a mention of how deliciously "leggy" Blair looks at the construction site in black jeans. Also, you mentioned the line "Well, there's a good job for you. If you were in Hell." and I remember seeing this the first time and thinking "now there's a sarcastic/witty line that doesn't sound forced" and wondering if it was a Garett thing (I had heard he and Burgi often tried to change the banter bits to be more natural--don't remember where I heard it, just that I did.

Blair encouraging Joel is a beautiful thing. And I think Blair mentioned Pampers just to give Jim a frame of reference for how young he was when he might have had therapy. The way Blair sometimes tries so hard, the way he talks to himself, the meditation, breathing exercises, how he sometimes laments his stupidity, coupled with the eager, jokey guy persona he often adopts lead me to believe he probably did have a bitch of a time during the "formative teen years" and I can believe that Naomi would have (rather than foisting him off with anti depressants or Ridalin or something) found healers, analysts, and so on (probably not actual psychiatrists-that might have been a little too 'establishment') to work with her beautiful but troubled boy. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. But really, if I had been an overachiever in University at 16 and spending way more time checking out the football team than the cheerleaders, I probably would have wanted to talk to someone about my issues too. And we know, if nothing else, that Blair's a talker...(oi! I'm babbling)

When Jim and Blair have their second Sullivan conversation, did you notice the way Blair looks at Joel, like "what can I do, I love the big schmuck" and Joel smiles indulgently at them, like "they bicker like old marrieds". Such a cute moment.

Mention has been made of Jim watching Sullivan, and I know I remember it, but I said that to say this: I was watching Red Ice this week (cos I just pick eps at random sometimes) and Yuri looks up Jim's info on the computer. Oddly, Jim has a SIN (Social Insurance Number) which is Canadian, not a SSN (Social Security number) which is what they call them in the U.S. Oops to the Canadian crew who obviously put that bit together. *L* However, it also lists his date of birth--June 14, 1957 (which makes him 12 yrs older than Blair, and makes the idea of Simon attending a 20th High School Reunion even less plausible if he's older than Jim). Has anyone seen anything in canon about Blair's b-day, besides the year? Just wondering.

Finally, because I'm sure you're tired of my rambling, I love the "big goof of the week" moment in this one (that's when the editors and other crew goof up in a big way and it gets left in ie Simon's big gun/little gun bit in Siege) When Jim's going through the church after the psycho, we don't see him turn his hat backwards (although that could just be because they didn't film it--we've seen him do it before, so we know he might have) but also, when he turns the hat back a bit later, THE JAGS LOGO IS GONE! It's back in the next scene, but that just made me laugh so hard!

The best thing about this episode, though, to be honest, is that it's the one right before Blind Man's Bluff!!!!!!

Thank you again for witty commentary and pretty pics!


Re: So much pretty... sara_merry99 February 10 2007, 05:58:13 UTC
You caught some of my very obvious squee moments--Jim in Kevlar, the H conversation, both Sullivan exchanges, Jim calling the psycho "boy" (I think I soiled the couch on that one *L*.

Yay!! I'm glad I caught your favorite bits!! :D I loved Jim calling the skinhead nut-job "boy" that was just *so* perfect!!

There ought to be a mention of how deliciously "leggy" Blair looks at the construction site in black jeans.

I *missed* this!! Poop! Man, I'm trying to be attentive and catch things and then I go and miss stuff like that. I didn't even notice he was in black jeans. Poop!

The way Blair sometimes tries so hard, the way he talks to himself, the meditation, breathing exercises, how he sometimes laments his stupidity, coupled with the eager, jokey guy persona he often adopts lead me to believe he probably did have a bitch of a time during the "formative teen years"...

Huh! That's interesting. You're right about the breathing exercises and meditation--those are probably both ways he learned to overcome anxiety.

Can you say more about the eager, jokey guy persona indicating a bitch of a teenage adjustment? I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'd love to see more about that idea. Interesting.

When Jim and Blair have their second Sullivan conversation, did you notice the way Blair looks at Joel, like "what can I do, I love the big schmuck" and Joel smiles indulgently at them, like "they bicker like old marrieds". Such a cute moment.

An *adorable* moment. And then Jim looking at Blair and asking all serious-like if he has papers to grade. :D That was such a happy place moment.

Oddly, Jim has a SIN (Social Insurance Number) which is Canadian, not a SSN (Social Security number) which is what they call them in the U.S.

Ooops! D'oh! I wonder if that was the same crew member who, on his prop ID, listed his eye color as brown. :D

However, it also lists his date of birth--June 14, 1957 (which makes him 12 yrs older than Blair, and makes the idea of Simon attending a 20th High School Reunion even less plausible if he's older than Jim).

Hmm. I'm trying to remember back to my post over the summer about Jim's timeline. I think I'm just pulling that 1959 number out of my ear because it's aesthetically pleasing. Canon gives us 1957 and 1962 as possible birth years for Jim. Of those two, I'll defintely take 1957, because I like the bigger gap.

Has anyone seen anything in canon about Blair's b-day, besides the year? Just wondering.

I certainly haven't, but there might be a picture of Blair's prop ID. I think at least some people go with Garett Maggart's birthday for Blair's.

Finally, because I'm sure you're tired of my rambling

Oh, no, I've got not problems with rambling. :D Lord knows, I do plenty of it. :D

When Jim's going through the church after the psycho, we don't see him turn his hat backwards

Actually I saw him turn it backwards, I almost commented on it. It's when he's at the bottom of the stairs up to the bell tower. Just before he starts climbing the ladder he flips his hat around. It's probably not five second on screen, but I did notice that. But I didn't notice the lack of the Jag's logo on it. D'oh!! I have a tendency to get distracted by the pretty. :D

The best thing about this episode, though, to be honest, is that it's the one right before Blind Man's Bluff!!!!!!

Oh, yeah!! I was also going to make a comment on that, but couldn't figure out how to word it. (And you did such a beautiful job!)

Thanks so much for commenting!! I'm glad you enjoyed.


Re: Blair the jokester... starshine24mc February 11 2007, 21:52:07 UTC
Maybe not so much of a jokester, but definitely he tends towards optimism, good times, not so much angst--although when he is angsting, it's usually self-directed (I'm so stupid) When he can't find the good in things, it tends to come out of him in anger instead of tears (the elevator scene in Sweet Science). I could imagine him being told he wasn't making the baseball team in the tenth grade and coming home, going to his room and hitting the catcher's mitt shaped pillow he got when he was nine, muttering about his own shortcomings.
He seems to always be trying so hard--to live up to everyone's expectations, Jim's, the PD's, the University's, his mother's--all the while trying to stay positive with his own self expectations, and his own self image. For example, he's not cutting his hair, but (even though this was apparently a Garett issue) he'll pull it back more often than not when in say, a high class social setting (the Cop of the Year thing, for example, and how even more tasty would that tux have been with his hair down!). He seems to want everyone to like him, as we all do, but he always strikes me as someone who is just coming to understand that he can be positive, and helpful, and nurturing and caring, and all those things he thinks he needs to be to get that affection/respect/caring in return, but that he can also hold onto his own beliefs.
I feel like I'm rambling and not making sense, but what I get from Blair is a really clear image of him trying to say, make friends with the football team in high school, getting a good pummeling for his efforts, and now, ten years later, even though he knows Jim and Simon and H and Joel are not the football team, he's still got that holdover fear which makes him appear to be trying too hard sometimes.
Does that make any sense at all?


Re: Blair the jokester... sara_merry99 February 12 2007, 05:08:42 UTC
I feel like I'm rambling and not making sense, but what I get from Blair is a really clear image of him trying to say, make friends with the football team in high school, getting a good pummeling for his efforts, and now, ten years later, even though he knows Jim and Simon and H and Joel are not the football team, he's still got that holdover fear which makes him appear to be trying too hard sometimes.

Yeah, I can totally see that. I've always seen a certain amount of insecurity in Blair--like he doesn't have any faith that his place in not just Jim's life, but his place in life in general, is secure. ::hugs Blair::

He seems to want everyone to like him, as we all do, but he always strikes me as someone who is just coming to understand that he can be positive, and helpful, and nurturing and caring, and all those things he thinks he needs to be to get that affection/respect/caring in return, but that he can also hold onto his own beliefs.

I think that he was learning to be more secure with Jim until SenToo and TSbyBS came along and knocked him back for a loop. But that's just me, and I'm getting ahead of myself there.

he tends towards optimism, good times, not so much angst--although when he is angsting, it's usually self-directed (I'm so stupid) When he can't find the good in things, it tends to come out of him in anger instead of tears (the elevator scene in Sweet Science).

This is all very true. And when he's angry he usually withdraws and heads out for a walk alone--probably got very thoroughly trained that expressing anger is *bad*.

Thanks so much, it all makes a ton of sense. This is a lot of food for thought.


Blair the Obfuscator... starshine24mc February 12 2007, 05:27:38 UTC
Your welcome--be forewarned, it's pretty hard to shut me up once I get started *LOL

As for the whole obfuscations, lying, embellishing, BS bit, it seems to me that Blair's talking from an anthropological point of view. He appears to be brutally honest most of the time (telling Christina he thought she was the leak in Cypher, sharing his diary with a potential bed-partner in Survival, etc.) I do think he crossed that bridge to save someone, and I do think he's still scared of heights once in a while, though doing his best to get over it. I think his only willful "obfuscation" is one of omission--he doesn't come out to just anyone ;) But I think he's very forgiving of the other guys if they want to tell a good fishing story, or brag about their prowess with the ladies, or even conveniently forget to tell their Captain they are going to listen in on phone conversations *L* Yeah, I think he lied in Siege, a couple times, but, as per usual, he was thinking more about what he could do to save a room full of hostages, or just one special guy hanging from a helicopter :D

Just my theory....


Re: Blair the Obfuscator... sara_merry99 February 12 2007, 17:52:57 UTC
As for the whole obfuscations, lying, embellishing, BS bit, it seems to me that Blair's talking from an anthropological point of view.

Ooo! I like this explanation!! ooo! You are such a genius!

He appears to be brutally honest most of the time (telling Christina he thought she was the leak in Cypher, sharing his diary with a potential bed-partner in Survival, etc.) I do think he crossed that bridge to save someone, and I do think he's still scared of heights once in a while, though doing his best to get over it.

Eeee!! I *absolutely* love you! You are the best and most awesome. Because this had been really bugging me and you just totally make it go away.

::twirls you::

Thanks so much. You are so right!


Re: Blair the Obfuscator... starshine24mc February 12 2007, 21:00:35 UTC
I can't decide whether I'm "healthily obsessed" or I just have too much time on my hands. I do know when I like a show--okay, love a show *L* or character, I want to know everything about them, not just what I see for an hour every week.

Thank heavens for fanfic! *L*

Can't wait to see your thoughts on BMB!


Re: Blair the Obfuscator... sara_merry99 February 13 2007, 15:15:34 UTC
I can't decide whether I'm "healthily obsessed" or I just have too much time on my hands.

These are not mutually exclusive options. :D

I'm actually *very* obsessive about my shows as well and I love, love, love getting to discuss the episodes and the characters with folks every week. It adds a huge amount of joy to my life and a huge amount of depth to my understanding of the characters.


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