Episode Notes: Sentinel "True Crime"

Jan 05, 2007 23:06

Just a heads up for everyone tonight. I'm sick. As my favorite of imaget's icons says: "I can't brain today, I have the dumb." So don't expect me to achieve my usual low standard in this set of notes.

I have really, really mixed emotions about this episode. The pretty is *stunning*! The slashiness is impressive. We learn more about Blair. All of this is excellent. The bad guys' plan is pretty cool!

But the Moron Twins (Wendy and Connor) are just *so* frustrating. I want to shake them, and slap them, almost every scene they're in. And then, at the end, I'm supposed to be *amused* about Jim having a date with the stupid, dangerous cow. Grrr!!

On, the whole, though, I guess the pretty wins out, and overall I like this episode.

Dialup users, beware. There are a truly insane number of screencaps here, twice as many as in a normal Episode Notes. I was completely unable to resist the pretty this time. Sorry.

Notes on watching True Crime (with a really incredible number of screencaps)

--This guy in the bank seriously needs a haircut. Normally I'm a *huge* fan of long hair, especially long curly hair, on guys but for some reason he looks like something out of a zombie film.

--And this other bomb squad guy looks a little like John Cleese doing his funny walks. :)

--Oh, wait, that wasn't really his hair. I feel better.

--I love Blair's fascination with the idea of $2Million. He'd fund expeditions and studies. I love it!

--oooo! Jim's looking all rugged and serious! Nice!

--And Blair's looking concerned and pretty.

--Love Jim dressing down the reporters about creating a panic!!

--Okay, if I were zooming in on Jim's face, I would make sure that his eyes were going to be in the shoot. If I'm seeing this right, he's getting his chin and jaw (which are quite nice, yes) and his neck (yes, good) and his eyes are out of picture (d'oh!).

--Hey, so Jim's already got the best case record in the city. That's nice!

--I love Blair walking into the bullpen and greeting people. :)

--Ah, Jim automatically assuming that Blair's chipper because he's got a date. And not sounding entirely thrilled about it really.

--Jim: "You kids today."

--Ooooo!! Pretty!

--Oh, surely the Police Chief realizes that diplomatic (ha!) Jim is *not* the person to be putting with the reporter for the true crime show. I mean this is really a crashingly bad idea.

--Jim's doesn't like the idea either obviously!

--And Blair doesn't like it much either. ;) "What if he zones out?" A good question. Though my immediate concern would be "What if he rips the cameraman's head off?"

--Love that look on Blair's face!

--Pretty Jim!

--So if Wendy Hawthorne and Connor are trying to do a documentary of real police work why are they suggesting that Jim and Blair use the video playback in their TV truck rather than at the station? Surely it would be better for their show if they got what a cop would really be doing under normal circumstances.

--Okay, I can tell I really am going to be all about the pretty tonight. That's just so nice! I want Blair to give him a nice massage and make that little crease in his forehead go away though.

--Why won't she stop babbling?? I think she's doing a bait and switch here. She sold the Police Chief on the fact that she's doing a show about the bank robberies to try and allay a panic, and that's how she's pitching it to Jim as well. But she's trying to make it all about Jim.

--Love Blair's look at Jim when Wendy's asking about the real Jim Ellison though. I actually just love that pic. And he thinks it might be fun to hear about all the things Jim dreams about and thinks about. :) Of course he does. :)

--How does Blair know that's a limited edition Mickey Mantle watch?? I love this new aspect to Blair--that he's a bit of a sports geek. So cute!

--He set up a batting cage in their Hideout?? Hee!!

--Mickey's clearly not got the brains of a gnat.

--Heee! Blair as a collector. "I own a bat that once belonged to Nolan Ryan." Heee!! And I wonder why Blair was collecting things from 1961. Before he was born. I'm not enough of a baseball fan to know what might have made that a special year. (And that was before Nolan Ryan's time, right? So why does he have that bat?)

--Okay, so they're sending Blair in undercover at the sports memorabilia store. Simon's dead against it. Jim's reassuring him that Blair will be safe. Jim: "I've thought this through." And I love Blair's: "I want to help." ::hugs them all::

--Oh, yes, yes! This scene! Which starts with Jim in his big, beautiful bed...

--He seriously sleeps with a loaded gun under his pillow?? It's obvious he's not used to company in bed. :)

--Then we get Blair in his less big, less beautiful bed...

--Then Jim making Blair's our fantasies come true... (Because, really, could he *be* any closer?)

--Good lord that man's got such a gorgeous chest...and I love Blair peeking over his shoulder!

--Pausing here to admire the view. And to admire and adore and swoon just a little over the fact that Jim's protecting Blair here. Keeping him at hand, because he wants Blair close, but making sure he stays behind. Nice!!

--Wendy: "Roll camera." Cameraman: "Wendy, he has a gun." Wendy: "Well, guns are good. This is a cop show. Roll camera." Heeee! Much as I hate to admit it she does have a point!

--Jim: "Sandburg, you better take this gun, 'cause I'm gonna shoot them." Blair: "No, Jim, you don't want to do that." Jim: "I'm going to shoot them." Heee!!

--Wendy: "This is exactly the look we're going for -- the gun, the bod, the whole image." Well it would boost ratings. :)

--Wendy's such a dingbat. Is she seriously trying to distract Jim from keeping an eye on Blair. His job in this undercover operation is to keep Blair *safe* and she's keeping him from doing that. And even if it weren't his job this is *Blair* of course Jim's attention's going to be on him.

--I love Blair selling Mickey the jersey, because he clearly knows what he's talking about and how to speak the language. Pointing out the dirt on it and everything.

--Oooo! Jim being strong and protective there!! Sweet!

--Look the moron twins are about to be stupid! And they took off their observer badges.

--Jim: "Idiots."

--Love love Jim checking to make sure Sandburg's okay before going after Mickey.

--Also love Blair using the precious collectible Mickey Mantle 1963 jersey to staunch the bleeding on the sales guy's gunshot wound!! Hee!! I wonder what the sales guy's response to that is. :)

--I'm obviously in an intense Jim mood tonight.

--And I love him listening for Mickey, thought I would have loved it more if he'd spotted him before he started shooting.

--I swear Wendy's got a lot of chutzpah, but she's just dumb as a *brick*! After screwing everything up and getting that kid shot (though not badly) she's there telling Connor to get the camera in Jim's face.

--And now Connor violates the law and steals evidence. *smacks him*

--Like the lighting on Jim's face here!

--Oh, yeah, that's a good color on Blair!

--Good lord, Wendy's not even admitting that they screwed up, she's just completely on the attack here. This woman makes me nuts!

--But Jim's being very pretty trying to placate her. ;)

--Oooh, pretty Blair!! I'll totally pay for his lifetime supply of white V-neck undershirts if he just keeps wearing them.

--I *hate* Jim sucking up to her. Hate it!! *gag*

--Blair: "Call me stunned."

--Was the wall in the loft always dark green? I like it!

--Eeee! Studious Blair! Those glasses just *kill* me!

--Oh, gosh Jim's looking gorgeous too! Whoever put that pillar in the loft for Jim to lean on is my *hero*!

--So Connor hid the stolen cell phone in the TV van? And then he calls the bad guys. That man is a *moron*!

--Oh, I'd totally forgotten this scene. This goes badly doesn't it? Oh, dear!

--Why were they staking out the bank on a Sunday if they didn't think the bad guys were going to be tehre?

--Wendy wants to be *in the line of fire* rather than in safety (where they can rely on the camera's freakin' zoom lens to get close shots)?? If I were Jim I'd be thinking "Okay, fine. If you get shot, it's Darwin Award time." Connor really should be wondering about his boss having so little concern for his safety and life. I'd quit! Of course we find out soon enough that Connor is taking self-centeredness to the point of near evil, so maybe not.

--Okay, so Connor is either evil, and deliberately putting offcers at risk, or just shockingly insensitive and stupid!

--The bad guys are in the *middle* of robbing the bank and stop to answer their phone??

--Gosh, Jim's pretty and there's really nothing at all bad about him in kevlar. No bad there at all.

--I'm actually vaguely amused by Wendy in the background ranting on her phone to her producer. That's cute.

--Hee!! Big boom!!

--Hey!! Jim just called someone other than Blair partner. Yucky!

--Love the serious, worried, intense look though.

--Jim got hurt!? I didn't remember that. I love that Blair's there with him while he's getting all bandaged up! That's nice.


--Okay, I love these shots of them walking side by side, shoulder to shoulder. They make me all kinds of happy!

--Jim: "It was my operation. My fault." Blair: "Don't do this to yourself, Jim." Eeeee!! For some reason that's just pushing my squee!slashy buttons today. (I mentioned I'm sick right?)

--And Jim figures out about the evil camera people.

--Ooo! Love Jim dressing her down. And OMG serious neck porn here!

--Eee!! This is the first time Jim's using his Sentinel abilities as a lie detector! Yay!! Love this!

--And I love that Blair's impressed with the lie detector trick. Though I get the impression that they've discussed it or something before. Nice!

--Poor Mick. It's about to suck to be him.

--Nice pic of the guys together.

--And a nice pic of Jim.

--Jim's really being unforgiving here. Which I actually don't mind, because she's really been annoying me this whole episode. But boy she's just talking to a brick wall here. A really gorgeous brick wall, though...

--Hee!! Love Jim sprawled out on the sofa!!

--Sandburg guiding him through getting the information off the tape is just *awesome*!!


--Heee!! Blair getting Jim to make the funny noise!!

--Blair: "A sentinel you may be, but Rich Little you are not, my friend." And then Jim gets offended and walks off. He doesn't want Blair laughing at him. Which, okay, I can get that.

--Wendy's calling Connor an idiot not an evil selfish son of a bitch. She's being too nice.

--So I wonder how Blair got Jim out of his snit. He owed Jim an apology (it's not fun being laughed at)... But he must have done something to apologize to get Jim so relaxed about working again. ::wanders off for some fun contemplation of make-up kisses in the slashy happy place. Y'all can look at the nice pictures while I'm gone.::

--Okay, I'm back. I love them working out the case together. That's muy happy!

--Pretty Blair!

--Okay, this is more of Jim training Blair to think like a cop, and I *love* it! Jim: "All we need is his address."

--Jim: "Pretty damn smart." Blair: "Who's that? Us or them?" Jim: "Both." Blair: "Right."

--Okay, so wait, wait, wait!! Brain Dead Wendy, instead of taking the information she got from Connor to the cops is pursuing the lead on her own!! And saying they don't have anything but *AN ADDRESS*??!?! Hello!! I hope they kill both of them. I know they don't, but I hope they do!! They deserve it!

--Nice transition to a commercial though!

--Love Blair right behind Jim looking over his shoulder!! So nice!

--Jim: "All right, you stay right behind me. Once we're inside, I'll tell you when to beep the captain." Blair: "All right. I can do that." Jim: "Just don't try and turn hero on me, Blair, okay?" Blair: "Me? You must be joking."

--God I love how Jim's watching out for Blair here! So sweet!!

--I do think this is the first time that Jim's really brought Blair into a dangerous situation! And I really, really love it. I mean I love that Jim's being protective here--but it's like he's finally getting that Blair is his partner and needs to be there with him. And *that* I just adore! This seems like such a milestone in their relationship!

--Eeee!! Jim stops on the stairs and Blair's so close behind him he winds out practically climbing him. ::wanders back to slashy happy place::

--Jim: "Now, keep your head down and stick with me." Blair: "Thanks, Jim." Jim: "That way I can keep my eye on you." Blair: "Thanks, Jim."

--I suppose Jim really can't let the bad guys kill the Moron Twins. But they *so* deserve to die.

--OMG, I love that Blair's watching the bad guys shooting at the place where Jim and the Moron Twins have gone into cover and decides that, despite Jim's injunctions not to, and his own promises, he's got to be a hero after all. Because he was totally safe where he was. He could have stayed there. Hell, he could have gone outside and usefully guided Simon and the rest of their backup in, but no. He stayed to save the day. Love Blair!!

--And he's pretty!

--Jim's just so *stunned* about Blair taking out the guy with the baseball!! Love it!! And Blair's so pleased with himself. :)

--So what is that that the chief bad guy's grabbing, because it's definitely *not* the money.

--Eeee! It's the hero music and Jim's running and it's so *pretty*!! (But not screencappable.)

--So does Jim have a plan here, or is his plan to be chased by the bad guy?

--Ah, well it all worked out then.

--Blair doesn't seem to quite know what to make of Wendy at the end there.

--But he does seem quite pleased by the idea of her going away to New York. :)

--Gag! She's flirting with Jim and Jim's going out with her. Yucky!!

--Okay, that was quite sweet though!! She kissed Blair on the cheek and he was all surprised and thanked her. That's nice. (When we get to Iceman, I'll be babbling about my Virgin!Blair kink, so I'll keep it under wraps this week.)

--Blair: "Did you just make a date?" Jim: "Yeah, I guess. Yeah." Blair: "All right. Pretty smooth. Still be careful." Jim: "Of what?" Blair: "Well, you know, date at 8:00, news at 11:00." Jim: "Ah, that's nice."

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like.

Sentinel Episode Notes

The Debt
Night Train
Love and Guns
Vow of Silence
Out of the Past
Deep Water

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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