Feb 26, 2005 23:16
friday was an okay day... i had a softball meeting after school, then i chilled with some kids b4 the dodgeball tournament - lol, i didnt get to stay cuz i had to go to work but i heard that it was pretty fun from collz & conti... work was sad because it was my last day =( all the kids gave me a hug b4 the left and i know im gona miss them! i gave my boss a huge hug and said all my goodbyes to everyone... i'll be back to visit whenever softball gets canceled and im keeping in touch with shannon too cuz we talk like everyday - anyways, after work i went to allsport to visit jeff... i saw bryan for a little bit, and i kinda got jeff in trouble because hes not suppose to have visitors.. woops (lol collz) - jeff came over when he got out of work and we cooked chicken and alfredo for dinner... much better to eat in and save some money, hahaa! after we did the dishes and cleaned everything up, we went to visit maura at work... we helped her with some paper stuff and chatted for a bit, then we went to CVS to see barcia... we only stayed there for a little bit cuz she cant talk much when shes working - me & jeff went back to his house and we watched CoAcH CaRtEr... it was good except it was a ghetto city version, lol - then we went to barcias house at like 9:30 to watch it again with her.. lol i fell asleep and then me & jeff left at like 12:30 - he brought me home and i went to sleep cuz i was tired... i slept til 1pm today when my love, colleen<3 called and woke me up! lol i took a shower, and then met her up at the bank... we went to PLANET WINGS and it was soo goooddd =) i lovee it! hahaa she came back to my house after and we tried to get some prom shit together, then we played somee MARIOOO... hahaa, i won for him again!!!! omg.. were too much - ohh yeah, maura stopped by too and visited us =) - me, collz, and jae went to walmart a little later to get some stuff... then collz went home and i just hung out with janna for a little while - i didnt do anything good tonight cuz i have to wake up for skiing tomorrow, but i cleaned my car out cuz jae had all her shit in the back! i put my ski shit in the car and got all that stuff ready so im all set for the morning... i took a shower after, and chilled with janna & ry for a little while - im gona go to sleep soon and im only gona get like 3 hours of sleep but thats ok cuz ill sleep on the bus in the morning.. okayy, im out... pEaCe