(no subject)

Sep 19, 2008 10:43

Oh how I’ve missed my computer.

I’ve had a lot to get used to this week. Greg arrived home this past Saturday afternoon during the Ivan-induced downpour. He was so happy to be free of the Navy overlords. For once he has a place he can really call home.

It is a lot different having someone else living with you. For one thing, I’m having a difficult time getting used to sharing my bed when I’m used to being able to sprawl out and have the whole thing to myself. It’s also difficult when your sleeping partner is used to much the same thing. At some point Greg and I will upgrade to a larger bed. We have a lot of stuff between us, especially electronics and games; we’re working on sorting that out. We’re also trying to sort personal space. This is the first time I’ve had my desk in a week or so because while I’ve been working on Kingdom Hearts, Greg has been using the desk for his laptop. I don’t mind it, but I’m used to being on here a lot, sitting down every day to do anything from write to sort bills (which REALLY needs done) to generally waste time. Keeping the place neat is going to be an issue still I think. Greg and I tend to have a lot of the same bad habits; it was one thing when I would mess up the house myself and not clean it and drive myself nuts, but having another compounds it and brings out an odd perfectionist/OCD side to me. We’ll work out the chore sharing eventually. Since I’m the only one working Greg’s taking care of the house between gaming spats. I try to leave a list of things for him to do on any given day. I’m also having to get used to this idea of not having the house to myself and not having that quiet. Not that Greg is noisy really, and it is nice not being lonely, and it’s great when I come home to snugglins and sometimes even a meal on the table. However he’s a big distraction. Shower time together takes longer, and getting romantic on days I have to go to work make it harder to focus when I’m there. Working towards balance is the mantra of the day.

Greg’s also making a big transition. He’s spent the last six months in a completely different time zone. That 13-hour difference and the jet lag has been wrecking havoc on him this week. He’s had headaches and has been sleeping a lot. Kent’s horrible tap water hasn’t made it any easier. He’s starting to see how far money does not go these days. Greg has a massive gaming collection, and most of it he doesn’t want anymore. Yesterday we made a run to GameStop to trade in some of them and even with the trade in value, he spent over a hundred dollars in one go. (Between the two of us we have plenty of games to last us.) What little money he has from the Navy is quickly dwindling with frequent Pizza Hut purchases. He’s starting to see just how far money can’t go. And he feels guilty that I’m the one supporting both of us for the moment. And although he’s mostly handy in the kitchen, he’s still finding his way around and learning to navigate through my house and is a little embarrassed about it.

Organization and economy are the plans for now. Saturday we’re going to get Greg some civilian clothes so that he has something to wear on interviews. We’re also going to get a few basics like a decent water filter and a couple odds and ends for the kitchen. I have a whole list of things to look out for. We’ll start at the charity and consignment shops and advance to Wal-Mart if absolutely needed. Once that’s set, Greg’s going job hunting. He’ll come with me for a few days and walk up and down the main strip putting in applications where ever he can. There’s a Blockbuster video in the same building as my Drug Mart, so that’ll be really convenient if he can work there. It’s not a bad time to go job hunting; it’s getting close to holiday-seasonal employment time and with college classes just underway there are more hours available to him. We’re going to have to try even harder to watch our budgets and pack lunches and stuff for a long time. Transport is another issue. Once I figure out the system, I can take the bus to work during the week, but I’ll have to find something else on the weekends. This car will only last so long. Greg’s still avid against driving, but until that car dies, he’s going to have to learn to drive again and do his share of the driving and most likely we’ll be car sharing. We don’t have the money to move right now, and this is actually a really nice location. I’m looking for alternate driving routes that will be more bicycle friendly and am saving up for biking gear in the near future. Winterizing the house is my other big priority. As I complained many, many times last year, I froze my ass off. The windows and the door easily let draft in, and I never got that cover for the air conditioning hole in the bedroom. So we’re going to look into getting window treatments and covers for the door. There are a few things I’ve had in mind to make, but I don’t have a lot of time right now to do them myself, not working full time. But we’re going to have to resort to come creative ways to keep in the heat because with natural gas prices the way they are we’re not going to turn the heater way up. (Stupid force-air ceiling heat…)

So, there you have it I guess. Things have certainly been different this week, but it’s nice. I think I could get used to it.

Oh I should mention something. Greg and I aren’t virgins anymore. ^_^
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